Chapter 1 ~ The attack

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(A/n in the pic above will be your outfit for the rest of the book unless there is a special reason or I think your character should change clothes)

Things to know:

(Y/n) = your name
(L/n) = last name
(H/l) = hair length
(H/c) = hair color
(E/c) = eye color
(F/c) = favorite color



Your POV

The sun shined brightly in my eye waking me up from my peaceful slumber. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I turned my head to the side and saw no one there. I frowned and sat up.

Where's Luke?

I got out of bed and walked downstairs where I saw my boyfriend cooking breakfast.

Smells like pancakes! Yum!

I entered the kitchen and hugged Luke from behind, kissing his shoulder.

"Good morning beautiful! Happy birthday!" Luke said turning around and kissed my forehead.

"Huh? Oh yeah! It's my birthday!" I smiled.

"You seriously did not forget did you? You were jumping all around the house yesterday screaming "my birthday's tomorrow!" Over and over again." He laughed. I just rolled my eyes and kissed Luke on his lips.

"Go sit down! I made pancakes!" He said and turned around towards the stove. I did as told and waited for Luke's amazing cooking. Few minutes later we were both sat in the dining room eating pancakes and talking about random stuff.

"So I know you told me not to get you anything, but I didn't listen and got you something for your birthday. It isn't everyday a girl turns 20 right?" He asked taking a small box from his pocket.

"Luke! Omg! If you're gonna propose I swear! I told you not this early!" I said.

"I know! That's why I didn't get you an engagement ring! At least not yet." He smirked and winked at me. I blushed. Luke opened the box revealing a golden necklace with a butterfly in the end.

"Oh my god! T-this is beautiful Luke! How on earth did you get this?!" I asked shocked.

"I have my ways." He winked.

"Here let me put it on." He said and I turned around. Luke put the necklace on me and turned me around.

"Perfect!" He smiled looking at the necklace and then into my eyes.

"Thank you so much Luke! I love it!" I said and kissed him. I walked upstairs into mine and Luke's room and got dressed in a black sleeveless crop top, some shorts and black combat boots. It was a little chilly outside so I put on a (F/c) jacked, but it was still warm enough for shorts. Suddenly there was a loud roar outside that made the whole house shake, knocking stuff out off of the shelves. I lost my balance and fell to the floor.


"(Y/N)! ARE OKAY?!" Luke asked storming into our room worried.

"I'm fine Luke! What in the world was that?!" I asked getting up from the floor.

"I have no idea! But I'll go get a sword just in case." Luke said. We walked downstairs and Luke got an enchanted iron sword from the kitchen and I got him a scarf so he wouldn't get cold . We walked outside and everything was on fire.

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