Chapter 2

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Alice was a few minutes early to the dining room. She wanted to make sure that she hadn't dreamed her second chance last night. She stood in the doorway looking around for a redhead and spotted it fairly easily. He was sitting at a table with a beautiful blond. She was leaning over the table towards him and they looked like they were having a very serious conversation.

Alice hesitated she didn't want to interrupt so she decided to wait a few more minutes since she was early taking the extra time to study Rainer. He was wearing a black polo shirt, a pair of brown cargo shorts, and he had sunglasses perched on his head. His easy confidence, as he leaned back in the chair and laughed at what the beautiful blond had said, was evident. He was obviously a man who was used to doing exactly as he wanted without any complaints from anyone. She wondered for a brief moment what that kind of confidence must feel like.

She had always been comfortable with who she was and had very little desire to change herself, much to her parent's dismay, but she wouldn't say she was a confident person. Sure, she wished as she looked at the blond Rainer was talking to that she was a little more outgoing and little prettier, but overall she was fairly content with who she was as a person.

Alice was wearing a bright red sundress and matching sandals, she had never been to Texas before but she had done her research prior to her trip and some hot days had be forecasted so she had dressed to stay cool, but even this reasoning didn't keep her from feeling dowdy compared to the beautiful blond. She recognized it for what it was, jealousy, and dismissed it knowing she would never be that beautiful or charming so why should she worry about it. She also knew that she had no chance of snagging a man like Rainer Stevens so she wouldn't allow herself to think along those lines.

If there was one thing she was good at it was living in reality.

Alice watched as the blond stood up on legs that seemed to go on forever and Rainer stood with her. She was very tall but Rainer still towered over her as he pulled her close into a hug giving her a kiss on the cheek and whispering something in her ear. She playfully patted his cheek then waved over her shoulder as she headed towards the exit. Rainer looked at his watch then looked at the door and saw her just as the blond was passing so he waved her over.

"Good morning," she greeted as she reached the table.

"You could have joined us." Rainer held out her chair as she sat.

"I was a little early and when I got here it looked as if you two were having a serious discussion. I didn't want to interrupt or intrude." She placed her napkin on her lap and picked up the menu. She was starving because she had been eating light in an attempt to save money.

"That was very thoughtful of you Alice." Rainer sat down across from her and she blushed at the sound of her name and the compliment. "Your cheeks match your dress." He noted taking a sip of coffee.

The comment made her blush even more.

"So how did you sleep?"

She knew he was just trying to make polite conversation but it still seemed like an intimate question.

"Not very well actually, the nap in the lobby seemed to have revived me enough to make sleep impossible. I ended up watching the late night movie, 'To Have or Have Not'."

"Good movie. You know how to whistle don't you"

"I do now, you just put your lips together and blow."

They both smiled at their similar knowledge of the film.

"Breakfast is on me so order anything you like." He motioned the waitress over.

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