Chapter 8

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Having both survived the night, they were back to their former teasing relationship the next morning.  When Alice awoke he was not in the room, giving her plenty of space to get ready to face the day, and in the cold reality of daylight all of her worries from the night before seemed ridiculous.

They both had a large breakfast before splitting up for the day to begin their research. Alice quickly fell in love with Fredericksburg and put it on her 'To Do One Day' list. The people that she spoke to were helpful and friendly, the town was charmingly laid back, and nothing seemed to move very fast.

It was early evening when they left the town behind them as they headed towards San Antonio.

San Antonio seemed the exact opposite of Fredericksburg. Fredericksburg, which was only about an hour drive from San Antonio, was strictly a German town. The names and customs were all steeped in the German culture, but this was not the case in San Antonio. As they checked into their hotel in San Antonio and wandered out onto the River Walk for dinner it was like walking into another world.

Spanish was spoken everywhere and the Mariachis could be heard playing as they walked along the river which was lined with festive colors. There were small stone bridges that crisscrossed the river and helped people to get from one side to the other.

Alice stopped Rainer, by placing her hand on his arm as they crested one of the small bridges. "Would you mind if we stopped for a moment?" She didn't wait for an answer as she leaned over the edge looking down into the murky water.

They were both silent as they listened and watched the people moving past them.

"Why is the water so dirty?" Alice asked as she watched the water ripple past.

"It really not.  It's feed by an underground aquifer and if you were to fill a glass full of the water it would be crystal clear.  It's the algae on the sides and bottom of the river that make it appear to be so murky. The water is only about three or four feet deep."

"There's got to be an analogy in there somewhere." Alice said, thinking aloud.

"Probably, I've never thought about it." He turned away from the river, resting his elbows on the stone arch of the bridge behind him. "What are you in the mood to eat for dinner?"

"I somehow think that you already have a plan for dinner." Alice looked over at his handsome profile as he stood watching a mother hold her child up so he could see into the water below.

"I know what I would like, but I'm open to suggestions." He shrugged carelessly.

"No you're not." Alice couldn't help but laugh.  "It doesn't matter what I choose, you'll use your charm to get your own way in the end." And she knew he would.

"Awww, that's sweet of you to say Al." He decided to take it as a compliment.

Alice laughed again. "See, there it is, you can't help yourself." She stood up and turned towards him. "So where does a charming man take a woman to eat in San Antonio?"

He linked his arm through hers and she could feel the strength and muscle as he used it to pull her along, "Mexican of course."

"Of course, and did you know that was exactly what I wanted?"

"I surely did, it's because I'm so charming." He winked and she busted out laughing again.

"Lead the way Prince Charming, let's go get something to eat. I'm starving."

"I only hope I brought enough money." His voice sounded dramatically concerned.

"Just for that I'm getting two desserts." Alice held up two fingers to emphasize her point.

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