Chapter 11

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Alice had been asking Quinn questions about his veterinarian practice when Rainer came down the stairs carrying a precious little girl.

"Alice, this is my niece Fiona. Fiona, this is Alice."

Fiona held out her arms for Alice to take her and Rainer was already handing her over, so Alice was forced to receive the little warm body.

She was beautiful, she had light blond hair, sky blue eyes, rosy cheeks and lips, and she smelled heavenly. Alice had never felt the twinge of motherhood, but she felt it now. Every instinct she had in that department kicked in as the child rested her head on her shoulder.

"She's beautiful," she said to Quinn. "She looks just like you."

Quinn gave a smile of fatherly pride.

"I'm going to go see what Caleb is up to," Rainer said as he moved towards the back door.

She didn't hear Rainer because she and Fiona were staring at each other as Alice settled back into her chair prepared to hold Fiona for as long as possible. Fiona gave her a big smile, and she couldn't help smiling back. She didn't even hear the door close as he left. Alice didn't know how long she sat with Fiona, but eventually Dana came back downstairs and relieved her of her charge, and she was laughing at a story Dana was telling her about Fiona when Caleb and Rainer came back into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry if I was rude earlier," Caleb said.

Alice was still wrapped in the warm glow that Fiona had given her and she turned to Caleb with a warm smile. "No worries."

Caleb grinned back and took the chair next to hers.  "So, if you and my brother aren't dating, then how about going out with me sometime?"

"Caleb!" Quinn and Dana said at the same time.

"Well she said they weren't dating," Caleb defended himself.

"I appreciate the offer Caleb, but I live in New York, and when this project is finished I'll have to go back." She tried to let him down gently.

Alice could never consider going out with any other man as long as Rainer was around.  There was just no comparison, not even between brothers.

"I get up to New York from time to time," Caleb said, kicking back in his chair, just as self-assured as Rainer was while talking to the opposite sex. Alice was sure that there were plenty of girls out there who had had their hearts broken by Caleb Stevens.

"I tell you what, next time you're in New York, if you're still interested, ask Rainer for my contact info," Alice recommended. She could always use another friend, and she doubted that it would really go beyond that.

There was an awkward pause and then Quinn stood up. "Who's ready to go to lunch?"

They ended up in a little café in the neighboring town that was known for its pies.

"Maybe you should hold back a little on your main course that way you have extra room for dessert," Rainer whispered in her ear as they took a seat at the table. She felt a little shiver as his warm breath moved down her neck.

"I think that's a challenge," she murmured as she looked over the menu.

The waitress was a young girl who was wearing the tightest pair of denim cutoffs she had ever seen and a cropped top. "That has to be against the health code," Alice said as she watched her approach putting a little swagger into her step.

"Are we betting?" Rainer asked.

Alice eyed the girl and decided she was too young to be forward. "No, she won't give you her number her Daddy might get mad." Rainer threw back his head and laughed getting open looks of admiration from the female diners.

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