Chapter 38

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Excuse any typos.


I knew Yazmin didn't have a sister. All she had was an aunt that went to jail. So this couldn't be her sister.

"Um hold on a sec I'll go get her..." I closed the door locking it and I ran upstairs into Yazmin's room and she was sleep with her headphones in. It looked like she had been crying too.

"Yaz..." I shook her lightly.

"Hmm?" She said

"You ok?"

"Uh....yeah I was just kinda sleep" she laughed a little

"Oh my bad but no I mean like are you actually ok? It looks like you've been crying..."

"Oh um yeah I'm fine"


"Ok well....your sister is here" lady told me

"What?" I asked confused.

I didn't have a sister. I don't have anybody.

"Yeah...she said she was your sister"

" don't have a sister" I said honestly.

"Well you want me to tell her to go away or something?"

"Uh no I wanna see her actually" I said going downstairs

"Ok...." I heard lady say as she followed me.

I opened the door and seen this really pretty light skin girl.

"Um hi....are you Yazmin?"


"I'm your sister....Jazmin" She smiled a little

"Um....I don't have a sister..." I said politely.

"Can I come in....then I'll explain everything...."

I hesitated a little but then I let her all the way in even tho Lady was behind the door mouthing for me not to do it.

"You can sit down if you want..." I said

She sat down. I sat across from her.

"Ok name is Jazmin even tho I already said that....but well our mom had three, you, and our older brother Jason.... We were all together when we were little but we got separated. You went with auntie and we were left with our mom....she-"

"Wait...sorry to cut you off but I have a brother too?"

"Yeah Jason is 18 and he's a senior in high school"

"Oh ok....continue...."

" know our mom got really heavy on drugs and she left us for a while....then dad-"

"Wait wait was with y'all?"

"For a short time...he left soon after mom actually...he just didn't want us he wanted was drugs and money"


"Yeah but dad left and then we were reunited again because we were all with auntie again for about a couple of months...then me and Jason were sent away again to live with foster parents because auntie couldn't afford to adopt us all so I guess she just took you...."


" and Jason have been looking for you since forever and now I found you..."


I had dreams about meeting my family. And I guess my dream came true.

I seen her tearing up. "I'm so happy I found you"

She hugged me. "Me too"

I hugged back.

"When can I meet Jason?"

"Well I don't know....he's doing something right now"

"Oh ok. Oh by the way this is my best friend Lady" I smiled at Lady

Lady waved. "Hi"

"Hey" Jazmin smiled

I heard the door open and we all looked up and it was Lucas.

"Lady can you please move ya ugly ass car cause it's blocking-" he looked at Jazmin. "Oh we have a guest?" he smiled at her

"Hi I'm Jazmin. I'm Yazmin's sister" she smiled standing up

"Oh I ain't know she had a sister" he said

"Me either" I said "we just met"

"Oh well hey Jazmin I'm Lucas" he looked her up and down biting his lip.

I rolled my eyes. I was just a little jealous but I knew I couldn't have him anyway.


I walked in and seen a girl sitting on the couch which happened to be Yazmin's sister. Damn she looked good. I seen Yazmin roll her eyes. Like I give a fuck.
She was being aggy lately.

"You want me to give you a tour of the house?" I asked

"Um sure I guess so" she smiled.

"Follow me" I grabbed her hand and took her upstairs.

Just a filler✌🏾️

Yazmin's brother (Jason) in mm😁

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