Ch. 8

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I sighed for what was probably the 50th time today, looking at Calum across the room stuffing crisps in his mouth then picking the crumbs out from between his boobs and eating them. He was slouching on the sofa with one leg spread open over the arm rest and the other one stretched out in front of him. He had Michaels shirt on but he had tucked it under his bra because he was 'getting hotter than hell' in it, but he didn't want to go through the effort of taking it off. Basically the way he was sat made me look ridiculously fat and I was starting to grow anxious of what the boys might think if suddenly they came into the room. When Calum stopped eating the Jumbo Bag of Cheetos, he wiped his hands all over the shorts I had just bought then started to squish his belly together then let it go, making it. That was breaking point.

"Calum!" I whined,  hurrying over to him and yanking the shirt out of his bra and pulling it down, making sure it covered his belly. He looked at me as if I was crazy and tried to pull the shirt back up but I kept it pinned to his hips and laid on top of him so he couldn't move.

"What the fuck are you taking," Calum mumbled before watching the TV and running his hands through my hair, wrapping his fingers around my short curls. I relaxed on top of him, moving my hands so I could rest my head on them but even that was uncomfortable so I threw my arms over the sofa arm and rested my head on Calums thigh.

It had been a couple of days since Amy's phone call and the only words she said that played over and over again in my mind were that Calum and I would have to get along. I'm not complaining about that as so far we truly have been getting along but what if suddenly it was too end?

What if i'm always going to be Calum? Always stuck in the body of a famous rock star, but not being able to play the fucking instrument he's connected with.

I wouldn't dare giving up his dream. I'd have to learn the ropes of his job and so would he with mine. I kissed then bit Calum's thigh before standing up abruptly, getting a harsh slap on the back of my thigh from Calum.

"That was rude." Calum mumbled, rubbing his thigh then looking up at me with a frown and a pout. I nearly cried at the sight but I smiled at him cheekily and winked before grabbing his hands and pulling him to his feet.

"If we're going to be trapped in each others body we have to learn each others ways," I said walking up the stairs pulling Calum with me by his hand, he nearly tripped up but grabbed onto my hip to steady himself. I walked into his room and grabbed his bass sitting down on the bed with it in the correct way (see! I'm not that dumb!). Calum raised his eyebrow at me and crossed his arms under his boobs, popping his hip out to the side but I just kept looking at him as if what I was doing was the right thing to do. Which it bloody well was.

"For god sake. How hard can photography be?" Calum said with a roll of his eyes and biting his lip in frustration.

"Well since it took me a whole 3 years to get a diploma, pretty fucking hard-"

"What? Harder than your dick every morning you wake up next to me?" Calum cut me off before doubling over with laughter, snorts coming from him which made me look and sound attractive. Not.

"Let me fucking finish you twat." I kicked out at him making him yelp out, "First teach me how to play." Calum's face lit up at what I said and stopped is temper tantrum before it could get any worse. He sat in front of me on his knees and plucked a few strings, turning the bobby bits probably tuning it. Ever since the boys formed the band I was always fascinated when they, well Michael Luke and Calum, tuned their instruments.

Luke would always do it hunched over in the corner or on the edge of his seat, his eyebrows furrowing together in concentration, groaning and swearing loudly when he tuned it incorrectly. Michael would always sit next to me whilst doing it, making silly jokes about being surprised his fingers even reached the strings but finishing tuning it within a matter of minutes. But Calum would always sit in silence, only the smallest chuckle coming from him whenever someone said something funny. His tongue would peak out the side of his mouth, the deep pink contrasting beautifully with his dark caramel skin.

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