Ch. 7

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I brought Calum closer to me and wrapped my tattooed muscly arms around him and squeezed tight, laying my head next to his ear and breathing loudly into it. I heard a muffled giggle before I let go and Calum turned his body around nuzzling into my neck. It weirdly felt nice, but knowing it was Calum who was in my body made my stomach churn and blood curdle. I couldn't help but think of how far and close we had become since we had swapped bodies.
I mean it had nearly been a week and I was still stuck in Calum's disgusting body, every time I walked past a mirror I still had to refrain from gagging. Every fucking morning I would wake up with a major hard on and with my own body sleeping next to me. It would freak me out until I remembered that me and Calum were both in each others bodies. I honestly don't know how much longer I can deal with this as each day passed without getting closer to any answer, I'm pretty sure we were both going crazy.
Also, Calum and I had decided to sleep in the same bedroom instead of changing rooms every night so it would cause less hassle and arguments. We had to get Ashton to agree to it of course but it took loads of persuading; Ashton gathering Luke and Michael to hear their opinions. But after Calum spoke of how nothing would happen between us now that we had sorted out all Ashton and the boys agreed, reluctantly but Calum pouted and fluttered his eyelashes and they became putty in his hands.
Ashton still wondered why we wanted to sleep together but didn't try changing anything, just gave us confused looks. We were practically doing everything together anyway, even if it was annoy each other.
The boys let me take a break from the bass, thinking that something was going on in my head that stopped me from playing. Which there was; the worry of being shit at bass. They told me that I'm allowed to write songs in the last two weeks of break, since I (well Calum) was the one who always wrote deeper, more emotional lyrics and that it would be able to give the boys the chance to work on their chords for each song.
Calum still didn't know how to work the camera so he had been sneakily giving me the camera whilst the boys weren't looking and wrote a couple of lines (with chords) down as I took candids of the boys, and I took a couple of Calum writing down the songs. We hadn't been focusing on what each other was best at, we were more worried about how we acted around everyone and that put us on edge all the time.
"Morning," I grumbled, rubbing my eyes to try and get rid of my thoughts.
"Good morning," Calum said, lying on his back and staring at me. "Wow I have a sexy morning voice, keep talking to me Y/N."
"You're such a dick." I groaned, throwing my arms over my face.
"And you have a boner." He laughed grabbing my boner with his hand.
"Jesu- No! What you doing boy?!" I squealed, nearly falling out of the bed.
"Just get rid of it! It's annoying waking up with that thing pressed to my back like a gun and not being able to do something about it!" Calum sat up and flipped his hair so ungracefully I wanted to laugh. "Whack it out!"
"Shut up now Calum." I chuckled, poking his cheek before sitting up too, pushing the duet off of me and walking to the ensuite in Calums room, the room we were in. Calum followed me, pulling his hair up into a messy bun and nearly stumbling over the phone charger and suitcase.
I grabbed my tooth brush as Calum stood next to me, grabbing his one too. I squeezed the toothpaste over my toothbrush and Calum held out his one to me, so I squeezed toothpaste on his toothbrush. We started brushing our teeth without making a sound or even acknowledging each other but when I looked in the mirror to see the froth turning blue, and all over Calum's nose I burst out laughing.
That made the toothpaste dribble down my chin and bare chest unattractively but Calum just shook his head and smiled, but growled playfully and started to brush his teeth like a madman. When we both finished I took off my sweatpants and jumped into the shower, waiting for Calum. This wasn't weird for us as we had seen it all before, with being in each other's bodies does strike up curiosity.
Calum took off his bra and pulled down his black panties, pulling his hair out from the pony tail. When Calum got in, I pulled him against me and just held him under the water.
"You stink." I scrunched my nose up playfully, laughing when Calum slapped my chest.
"You can't say much, talk about big of eternal stench." Calum sassed, pulling his tongue at me before getting under the shower head fully - pushing me out of the way.
We both understood that we had different routines with shaving and washing out hair so we both decided to help each other out. I grabbed a hold of the shower cream squirting some on my hand (I also squirted the cream on Calum's boobs, making the cream into a dick.)
I knelt on the floor rubbing the cream up Calum's legs whilst he held onto one of my shoulders and the wall. I grabbed the shaver, sliding the thing up Calum's legs, removing the hairs that had grown on Calum's legs. Calum shook his leg when I got to shaving his thigh (because it tickled too much), making me loose grip of the razor and sliced the skin.
"Ow fuck, Y/N" Calum whined, looking as if he were about to cry.
"Don't move then, you spaz!" I pinched his hip and rinsed the blood off his leg, also washing the soap away from the cut because that stings like a bitch. I started the other leg and managed to do it without any cuts. I washed his legs down before standing up again, but as I did I ran my hands up his (well my) chubby stomach, not liking what I felt.
"Please stop eating junk food Cal, look what you're doing.." I said quietly, keeping my hands against his stomach.
"Are you saying I'm fat?" He faked cried, "Never in my li-"
"No I'm saying you're getting me fat." I cut Calum off, pulling B my hands away from him.
"Y/N, you're perfect" Calum whined, placing his hands on my face. I shook my head sighing and squirted some more shower cream onto my hand.
"Arm's up." I said, he lifted his arms up as I rubbed my hands over his armpits. I shaved over his armpits and washed away the soap.
"What about your bush?" Calum asked, looking at me as if I wasn't shaving there as a punishment.
"We'll get that waxed Cal." I chuckled and so did Calum, until he figured I was being serious.
"Won't that hurt?" His eyes were wide and the colour had gone from his cheeks.
"Nah, of course not. If it hurt I wouldn't keep going back there." I smirked, Calum laughed and grabbed his razor.
"W-what are you doing?" I looked down as he got on his knees in front of me.
"Shaving my balls?" He said in a 'duh' tone before running his hand over my penis. He took his body shaving cream and squirted it all over my balls, not physically touching down there yet.
He then tried to lift my dick up, shaving over his balls. But it felt tingly and I may have grinded into his hand.
"Whoa, steady on Y/N." Calum chuckled, pulling his hands away and looking at me.
"Sorry it felt a bit.. weird yet good." I laughed nervously.
He stood up with a smile whilst shaking his head, waiting for me to wash my hair with his special coconut oil his Grandma always buys him. When I poured it on my hand he poured the strawberry shampoo into his palms and lathered my hair, washing it out properly before rinsing and conditioning.
Finishing up and washing ourselves down, we finally both got out of the shower and dried ourselves off. I walked back into the room whilst Calum cleaned up the ensuite, wanting to keep it neat as possible.
"Calum? Y/N?" Luke knocked on the door, knowing better than to just barge in.
"What do you want?" I shouted, ruffling my hair up so it would dry more quicker and curlier.
"We're going out clubbing later, well after we get back from the studio so if you're gonna go out today, don't spend any money. We're gonna blow out tonight!" Luke shouted, sounding like a dumb frat boy.
"Ok thanks Lukey, but we won't be going out today so we'll definitely won't be spending our money!" I spoke, pulling on some grey Calvins.
"Lukey?" I heard Luke mumble to himself confused, hearing him walk back down the corridor.
After we got told we were going clubbing, Calum and I decided to binge watch a few movies and stuff ourselves with more junk food, even though I kept complaining how fat Calum was making me. When the boys got back, we were already getting dressed up. Calum making me wearing his Drop dead tank top and black skinny jeans plus the combat boots and leather jacket that make him look more punk.
I had manage to pursued Calum to wear my burgundy dress with short sleeve which was super cute, it came mid-length and had short sleeve and a white bow under the collar. I had curled his hair and done his make-up even though he protested many times, even when I told him that it wasn't his body to decide.
"You know dresses are actually quite freeing," Calum giggled as I drew on his eyeliner for a second time.
"Really? I suppose as a man you don't get to wear dresses well, except if you're Scottish because you get to wear a kilt which is basically a skirt." I said quietly, trying not to loose concentration.
"A lot of men actually wear skirts without being Scottish, also I'm Scottish, well half anyway" Calum stated, sounding proud of being half Scottish.
"Yeah but you don't see many of that, you should defiantly start a trend when we go back to normal." I smiled when I had done both winged eyeliner perfectly even on both eyes.
"I'll think about it." He smiled and the boys came in to tell us our cab was here. They all rushed out as I grabbed my black heels and gave them to Calum.
"I can't walk in these!" Calum wailed, tripping over his own feet.
"Dude just put them on!" I objected pushing the heels into his chest.
"Fucking fine." he grumbled putting on the heels and grabbing a hold of my arm, quickly grabbing the matching clutch with all our essentials.
Moments like these I liked. We're starting to get along and have small moments but hey, all good things come to an end but I can never be sure when our moments end. Me and Calum had gotten the back seats yet again but that was okay as we had privacy to be as touchy-feely and friendly as we wanted. The boys all sang along to Spice Girl sings at the top of their voices, with the windows open.

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