The News

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Chapter 4

The News

The next few hours went by and I couldn't stop thinking about how dumb I must of sounded and looked to everyone. I kept checking my phone every five seconds waiting for Alex to tweet the pictures we had taken earlier. Macy saw me filtering my thumbs refreshing twitter every second "Allie relax! He will tweet the pictures soon! Trust me. Now put your phone down and let's go eat I'm starving!"

We walked upstairs to her kitchen and looked through all the cabinets and the fridge. We ended up eating some chicken at two in the morning. But that's not surprising, we usually make cookies and cupcakes all the time at 2am.

As we were putting our plates away I heard Macy's iPod go off. I looked at her with huge eyes and before I knew my phone was going off too.

I ran downstairs to get it not knowing I could even run that fast in the first place, I almost tripped. Macy was laughing at me then she stopped and her face went serious she was flailing her arms and saying "oh my god" over and over again. I finally looked down on my phone.. Alex had tweeted the photos to us! I felt like screaming but I knew I couldn't because Macy's parents were asleep. Alex's tweet said "Nice meeting these girls today! I hope Macy's feeling better!" We both started screenshoting like crazy when he followed us and we saved the pictures.

I get Austins tweets sent to my phone he quoted Alex's tweet! He also replied with "yes it was very nice meeting and talking with you girls! Hope to see you again!!:-)" we were in so so much excitement we started crying and then laughing at each other for doing so. We just couldn't keep calm. We were getting so many tweets it was crazy.

We went upstairs upstairs to Macy's room and covered up ready to go to sleep. I checked twitter one last time and noticed the little blue line under the "me" button was lit up. Who would be DMing me at this ungodly hour? I thought. I clicked my DMs and threw my phone out of my hands in disbelief. Macy gave me a weird look, all I could do was point to my phone. She grabbed it. I had tears in my eyes. Austin Mahone sent me a Direct Message. She read it out loud "Hi Allie! It was really great meeting you today. I had a really nice chat. Thanks! :)" she looked back at me and then picked up her iPod "hey. I didn't get one!" With a smile on my face thinking she was joking to make me stop tearing up. She kept going "no I'm serious Allie I didn't get one." She showed me her DMs and nothing was there.

I was in complete shock why didn't she get a message to? I thought maybe he just forgot to do it. Oh well I guess I'm just lucky.

I finally figured out what to reply to Austin. I typed "Hi! It was really nice meeting you guys too! I'm really sorry if I came out to be kinda awkward. I'm just an awkward person. Haha"

I sat down my phone waiting for his reply for what seemed like forever but surprisingly was only a couple of minutes. It said "No. You're not awkward. I thought it was kinda cute." Then he changed the subject "I have to go to sleep now. I have an early flight in the morning talk to you soon!:)" wait. Did Austin Mahone just say I was cute?! That couldn't be possible, maybe it's auto correct, it's always getting in the way. "Okay sweet dreams Austin! Have fun, I don't like waking up early. Ha" he replied back within seconds like he was waiting on our messages for me to response. "Haha! Me to!!! Good night Allie sleep tight:)" and with that I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face.

The weird thing about Macy and I when we sleep over at each others house is that even thought we go to sleep late we never wake up late. Although we do play with our phone and iPod until we get the energy to get up. Which is what were doing no that it's morning. I pack up my stuff not knowing when I would be picked up.

All of the sudden Macy's mom yelled up the stairs saying my mom was here. This early? Why this early? has something happened? I wondered.

I said good bye and thank you to Macy and her parents, went out the door and jumped into the car throwing my bag in the backseat. She asked me about the concert and I told her everything, but not all the details of course. Eventually I get to asking her why she was there so early and she told me "Allie we have decided that you should move in with aunt Shannon and uncle Jeff. We feel you would do better in school with them and give them more company because thy don't have any children." I was shocked how many things could happen in just a couple of day? Seriously.

We pulled into the driveway and before hopping out of the car I said "okay, I probably have no choice but to move. So when am I leaving?" She looked at me with her piercing brown eyes "better start packing because you're leaving tomorrow morning." How in the world could I be moving out with such short notice? I thought can I just start making my own decisions instead of people doing it for me? I ran upstairs and started to pack

I honestly was okay with going to go live with my aunt and uncle. They're really awesome people. Although they live 3 hours away.. Oh my gosh. That's 3 hours away from Macy! What will I do!?

I picked up my phone and dialled her number. I told her I was moving. He was very upset and sounded like she was going to cry. I told her I would visit as much as possible. "You better! I'm really going to miss you, you're my best friend. I love you" she exclaimed and ten hung up.. I honestly think she was crying. I felt so bad. She didn't want me to go anywhere.

I spent the whole rest of the night thinking about how this was going to work. How we would keep our friendship alive and packing to move of course.

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