Nobody Understands (Unity X Ragnor)

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A/n Another Unbreakable couple one shot!



I sit in my chair in the living room and put on a fake smile as Unity and Magnus laugh at each other's jokes. The glittery bastard tries hard to act like everything is just as it was before but it's not. He doesn't understand that I'm not going to envy him over his happiness. I'm not envious of his relationship being more accepted than mine.

I'm evyous that he can walk. Magnus can run around with his children! He can make love to Alec without having it be extremely painful. He can do everything Unity and I can't.

"Ragnor I get that I talk a lot but you're looking at me like you'd behead me in a split second." Magnus says jokingly.

"I'm going to go check on.....the flowers." I mumble before wheeling away. We've modified the house to where I can get in and out to the garden easily. It's my favorite spot now.


Tears sting in the back of my eyes as I watch Ragnor go. He masks his pain from me but I know he's hurting.

"So his mental state hasn't improved then?" Magnus asks with genuine hurt laced in his tone.

"No it hasn't. He tries to hide it but I know him to well one might say." I take a sip of the tea Ragnor and I made before Magnus' arrival.

"Have you guys.....tried again lately?" I feel my body temperature rise at the mention of sex.

"No....last time has kind of scared me away from trying much more." I look down as I admit to being afraid of hurting Ragnor again.

"That killed him you know." Magnus says to me. "Not physically but mentally it.....he wanted that as much as you did."

"I don't want it if I'm going to hurt him. We can do other things and I'll be perfectly fine." I snap. Magnus makes it sound like I pushed that on Ragnor when actually we had talked for hours before anything got fired up. We knew what we wanted to try but we didn't know our boundaries.

"You're young Unity and I hear what people your age say about you. You don't owe Ragnor anything. There's nothing keeping you-"

"We're bloody engaged Magnus! I think I've made it pretty obvious that I don't want anybody else!" I shout. The sudden urgency to check on Ragnor kicks in.

"Unity just listen-"

"I think we're done here Magnus." I whisper as the tears fall from my eyes. "I need to go check on Ragnor."

Two weeks Later

I walk around town silently. Ragnor stayed home because he isn't feeling well. I slipped my engagement ring off when I showered this morning and just forgot to put it back on.

"Unity!" I turn to see a crowd of female shadowhunters giggling at me. I fight the urge to pull my hood over my head.

The little blonde wannabe flashes a suggestive smile before saying,

"There's a party tonight on 42nd street. You should really come."

"Shouldn't you be fighting demons?" I snap only causing the girl and all her friends to giggle.

Before I can protest she walks up and stands on her tiptoes in order to be able to whisper in my ear.

"I can give you everything he can't." I take a step back.

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