Valentines Day

574 7 1

Word Count: 467
Trigger Warnings: None, just fluff.

Castiel Novak was stood eagerly over the counter at Target, a big basket in front of him, all with things for Dean.

As soon as Castiel found out that there was an actual day to express your love for someone, which was this morning at 4am, he immediately had to celebrate.

So he bought every single heart, box of chocolates and packets of love heart confetti and brought it to the till.

"Someone special?" The chequer chuckled, scanning each item while Cas waited impatiently.

"Yes he's the most special. Probably the best thing that my father ever created." Cas boasted and the chequer went pale as a sheet, "So he's your brother?" She asked, considering incest.

"Well... Technically I guess. We're all brothers and sisters really, all of god's creations. Even you, sister." Cas smiled and grabbed his items, leaving the store and watching the chequer's face express confusion and horror.

Castiel crept in as quietly as possible with the bag. Wanting to surprise Dean.

"CASTIEL! You stole the Impala?" Dean stormed into the room, an angry expression plastered on his face.

Castiel stuttered, "I- I..."

"You did!" Dean accused, looking at him furiously.

Cas looked down, ashamed. "Seriously Cas, not cool. Sam and I have been worried sick-"

"You were worried?" Cas perked up, looking up with a smile.

"Yes of course we were worried!" Dean's eyes travelled to the bag, "What's in the bag?"

"Nothing's in the bag." Cas lied, hiding it badly behind his back.

"Angels are meant to be honest and truthful, hand it over Cas." Dean ordered and Cas handed the bag over reluctantly and crossed his arms.

Dean peaked inside and his face softened, "Aw Cas..."

Cas perked up, "You like it?" His face lit up and Dean smiled at the sight.

"I love them, but how did you pay for all of this?" Dean picked out a chocolate heart and examined it, Cas opened his mouth and Dean raised a hand.

"Don't tell me. Tell me later, I don't want to get mad right now."

Cas nodded and watched Cas reach into the bag and pick out a pink envelope.

"Is this for me?" He asked and Cas nodded eagerly.

Dean teared the envelope, which caused Cas to frown and read the inside.

"R4 is Red,
R2 is Blue,
If I was the force I would be with you"

Recently Dean took Cas to see the new Star Wars movie and Cas loved it. Dean smiled at the card and put it on the coffee table.

"I love you Cas." Dean declared.

"I love you too Dean." Cas replied.

Suddenly the door burst open and the Sheriff force broke in.

"This is the sheriff department, here to investigate a claim of Incest!"

Dean looked at Cas.

Cas looked at Dean.

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