Missing you

405 5 1

Word Count: 2000+
Trigger Warnings: A lil sad

Day One:

"Cas, I don't have to go on this hunting trip. I can stay home." Dean told him with concern, Cas shook his head and gave a weak smile. "No, no, go."

"Okay, it's only a week and then I'll be back, just six more days." Dean tugged him into his chest and embraced him and then kissed his forehead softly.

"Right. I'll be fine." Cas said with more confidence than he felt.

"Yeah. I need you Cas remember that." Dean told him seriously and Cas nodded, "I love you too Dean."

He stood for a moment, memorising every single detail of Cas' face and then gripping himself, he opened the door and left to join Sam in the car.

The draft of the door slam made Cas shiver, for minutes he stood there staring at the closed door.

"Noodles." Cas told himself, planting a fake smile on his face, "I was making noodles."

He cooked the noodles and then sat by the T.V, it was quiet, peaceful.

Distracting himself would be easy, he could read, he could watch television, he could, well he could do anything.

So he watched television, a talk show with people yelling and crying and Cas watched with wide eyes as he scooped up every last noodle.

He was still new to this, the acting human business. So human emotions didn't make much sense to him.

He placed his bowl down and begin flicking through channels, unable to keep an interest in any one thing.

The night drew in and Cas began to feel sleepy, so he switched the TV off and walked silently to his shared bedroom with Dean. Then he remembered that he could be as loud as he wanted, but he was too tired for that.

He rested his head on his pillow and relaxed his mind. The unfamiliar feeling of sleeping alone was sinking, so he turned over on the other side so that he couldn't see the empty space where Dean always slept.

Day Two:

Cas usually woke up to Sam, getting up early to make a healthy breakfast and singing a song he had never heard of. And Sam was a bad singer.

But today there was no one in the house to wake him up, his clock told him it was afternoon already.

The house was eerily quiet, like a graveyard of it's former happiness.

But it was just five more days, Cas would be fine he just had to distract himself.

So he picked up a book and began reading it, the plot didn't really make sense and the author wrote long gruelling chapters but it kept Cas busy, reading each word and moving on to the next.

There was a love story beneath the plot line, the main characters wouldn't admit their love for one another and both were grievously stubborn, it annoyed Cas. Even though he thought about the time when he and Dean were just friends and how quickly that had changed.

He wanted both of them to be happy, but as the plot carried on they tore each other to shreds emotionally and Cas began to just want them to be happy, but separate. Because they were no good for each other.

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