Blood Fetish Fic idk

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Word Count: 500+
Trigger Warnings: Blood mention I guess lol??

"Dean." Cas moaned quietly as Dean traced the carving knife slowly around Castiel's jaw, just the tickly sensation sent blood to his erection.

"Just do it already..." Cas breathed, the anticipation killing him, Dean smirked and brought the knife down to his throat, making a light indent which sent waves of shock down Castiel's spine. He let out a throaty groan.

Almost immediately the blood begin to fill up the wound and Dean brought his face down to it, making sure his Angel was watching, as he licked the luscious scarlet from the surface of his lovers collarbone. Castiel went rigid.

"More." He demanded, cupping Dean's face in his hands and tugging at his hair, Dean obliged. He straddled his partner and brought the knife down to his chest, Castiel froze. His hand guided the knife in a straight line down Castiel's torso, reaching the hem of his jeans.

"No." Castiel ordered, chucking the knife across the room, it landed in a wall. "It's more personal when you use your teeth."

Dean slapped his partners cheek disapprovingly, "Who gives the orders here?" He held his neck gently around his hand. "You." Castiel meekly agreed and Dean nodded his head.

He tilted his angel's head to the side and brought his mouth to the creamy surface of his untarnished neck, "Please." Castiel begged, his lust making him swallow his pride.

Dean bit into the skin without hesitation, his teeth expertisely cutting into the flesh until blood was drawn. Castiel withered underneath and howled at both the pain and the sheer pleasure, he could only imagine the beautiful blood dripping from his neck.

Dean licked the blood slowly, his mouth filling with the metallic liquid. It tasted like cotton candy, he surprised Cas with a kiss, the blood still on his tongue being tasted by his partner, they shared a delight in the way it blended with the warmth of each of their tongues. Dean wasted no time in leaving identical wounds all along both sides of Castiel's neck, until Castiel was a mess of cries of delight.

"I want to taste you..." Castiel muttered, his eyes flickering to Dean's wrist. Dean smiled at himy lovingly, "Or course Angel."

He bit into his wrist forcefully as Castiel watched, there was a certain pain, but as a guy who'd been tortured in hell it was nothing.

As soon as the blood started dripping, Castiel was pining like a child in a candy shop and impatiently he grabbed the wrist and began to suck all of the juicy goodness out of Dean's flesh.

The liquid dripped down his chin as he fed, a sight Dean enjoyed very much, he enjoyed watching Cas needily demolish his wrist as if it was the answer to life itself.

When he was done Dean licked the blood from Castiel's chin up to his lips where he reconnected with them and shared the taste, surprised at how sweet he tasted inside of his lovers mouth.

"I love you Cas." He murmured as he bit into Castiel's lip and niagara falls erupted into both of their mouths.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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