Where's Cas?

452 7 2

Word Count: 616
Trigger Warnings: Mature

Dean was driving the Impala like a maniac, almost knocking down ten mailboxes in a row as Sam yelled at him hysterically, "Where is Cas?"

"Ah... Fuck... I don't know Sam. I'm sure we'll find him." Dean took a sneaky glance at Cas, who was tucked under the driving seat,  Dean's dick in his mouth.

Cas looked up with innocent eyes, he couldn't exactly defend himself now could he? What Sam didn't know couldn't hurt him.

"Why aren't you more concerned about this Dean? This is serious?" Sam cried, "It's very s-serious... Ah fuck Cas... I understand Sam." Dean moaned, again sending the Impala in a wonky direction.

"Fuck Cas? FUCK CAS? You're just giving up on him? He's your best friend?" Sam screamed.

"He's not gone far, trust me I'm sure wherever he is he's very busy." Dean replied, pushing Castiel's head further down on him.

"And can you stop driving like a maniac? What has gotten into you Dean?" Sam scolded, "I think you're over reacting Sam." Dean shrugged.

Castiel hit that vein with his tongue and Dean nearly lost control of the car, grabbing the steering wheel and slamming the breaks last minute.

"That was close." Dean grimaced, regaining control. "You're going to freaking kill us!" Sam groaned.

"But seriously Dean, the last time we saw him we were leaving the house. He's probably in trouble." Sam said with concern.

"I'm sure wherever Cas is, he's doing something good for someone else. Because that's just how selfless Cas is, he's probably preoccupied. We have nothing to worry about, Cas will talk himself out of it. His mouth works wonders." Dean replied.

"I don't get why you're so chilled out about this Dean, don't you even want to just check where he is?" Sam pleaded.

Dean pushed Castiel's head further, but it was too much and Castiel choked, the choke noise sounded loudly and even Sam heard.

"What was that?" He asked suspiciously.

"Oh, shit. I ran over a hedgehog. Oops." Dean slapped his forehead, "I'm so clumsy."

Sam shook his head and Dean looked at Cas, Cas gave him an apologetic look and Dean kissed his sweaty forehead lovingly.

Suddenly Cas sped things up and Dean hit on the accelerator twice as hard, the Impala sped off and Sam clutched his seatbelt, "Can you please slow down."

Dean was slowly losing control of the car as he lost control himself, hitting his head back against the headrest and dropping the steering wheel completely.

"Fuck Cas." Dean cried one more time before releasing into Castiel's mouth, the Impala was flying out of control and Sam was screaming, Castiel swallowed and Dean grabbed the steering wheel. But it was too late they were already driving into a field, he attempted to turn back onto the road as Castiel laid his exhausted head onto his lap.

"Dean you crazy son of a bitch!" Sam yelled as Dean hit the breaks.

He quickly redid his trousers as Sam sat up and glared at him.

"What's going on?" Sam demanded angrily.

"Hi Sam." Castiel waved, from Dean's lap, Sam widened his eyes "Oh, oh, OH!"

"Cas, you've got a little something." Dean wiped the corner of Castiel's mouth and then kissed the mark in replacement.

"You could have killed me, I swear to god I think I might kill you Dean." Sam was slowly sizzling out with anger.

"I assure you God had nothing to do with this." Castiel answered honestly.

"I don't even know anymore. He was here. Blowing you the whole time." Sam sat back in his seat and frowned.

"Ready for round two?" Dean asked, smirking and hitting the accelerator.

"Absolutely not!" Sam screamed.

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