Angels don't belong in the kitchen

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Word Count: 616
Trigger Warnings: None, just fluff.

Castiel Novak woke up first, he crept out of bed quietly, trying not to wake Dean.

Dean did so much for Cas, he taught him how to be human, he always looked out for him and he really cared about Cas and how Cas felt. Cas wanted to do something in return.

But he didn't really know how. How do humans show they love each other? Cas and Dean did intimate stuff all of the time so that wouldn't be special, the truth was Cas didn't know anything about being human really. He would have to do something sacred, he must use Google.

Five websites into Google however, Cas was falling asleep, his attention span was really quite short. And then it hit him, of course he knew what to do. He could cook for Dean!

He ran to the Impala before he changed his mind, breaking speed limits to drive to Target.

Now all he had to do was plan what to make Dean, well Dean liked a lot of things and if Cas put them all in one, that would be great! That would be like having everything Dean liked on one plate, although Dean also liked Cas and Cas couldn't go on the plate, but the thought would be there.

So he strolled into Target happily, picked up a basket and went straight for the food isle. Dean liked burgers, so Cas picked up a box of heat up burgers, Dean also liked candy so Cas took a random handful of that, Dean liked beer, so why not add that?

He was about to go to the check out when he spotted the cherry on top of the cake, a copy of "Busty Asian Beauties" Dean's favourite magazine. Humans can eat paper, right?

Well they could now. Cas payed for his items and then sped back home.

He prayed silently that Dean wouldn't wake up as he laid his ingredients out on the table and fetched a bowl. Cas was inexperienced, but he wasn't an idiot, he knew that you always cooked burgers, so he had that in the microwave while he poured the candy into the bowl.

Man, if Dean didn't wake up soon then Cas was going to eat all of this for him, it looked great so far, it would look even better with the burger. Cas anxiously waited the 10 more seconds for the burger, tapping his foot rhythmically until the familiar beep signalled the end of the timer.

He brought the burger out of the microwave and sniffed it, it smelt great, he had to fight his mouth watering to place the burger on top of the candy, boy was Dean in for a treat.

Cas knew that Dean usually had his beer separate to his meal, but surely it would taste even better with it? Cas would have to find out, he poured a can of beer into the bowl.

This looked great, candy floating around in a sea of beer with a big, steamy burger in the center. Dean was going to love it. Cas felt pride.

Just as Cas was finished, Dean came out of their bedroom yawning and rubbing his eyes, "Hey Cas, what are you making?"

Cas held the bowl up with pride, showing Dean the contents, Dean did a double take.

He looked from the bowl to Castiel's proud expression and then like the good boyfriend he was, exclaimed in the most enthusiastic voice "I could eat all of that!"

Castiel's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

But as Dean regretfully took a small forkful of the concoction, he concluded one thing for sure.

Angels do not belong in the kitchen.

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