Chapter 1

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I was running. I don't know from who. There are a bunch of them and I'm running from them. I'm scared, so, so, scared. There's fires all around me. People are shouting at me in a strange language. A language that I haven't heard in a very long time. When I look ahead of me I see people starting to block my path to freedom. I stop and look around for another way of escape. I don't see any. People are starting to surround me and they are closing in on me. They start throwing things at me and call me names. I get hit really hard in the head. I start getting mad and upset. A light starts growing around me and the more emotional I get the brighter and stronger it gets until it completely engulfs me. I'm blinded by the light and when I can see again I'm surrounded by dead bodies. I'm horrified and appalled by what I just did. I ran as fast as I could to a spaceship that is set up to take me to a planet far from here. A planet that I can hopefully call home. I start getting dizzy from the blood that is still flowing from my head and cuts that cover my body. I see a rounded triangle ship waiting for my arrival. As soon as I get in I stumble over to the control panel and press the big green button before falling into the nearest seat. I fade out of consciousness as the ship takes off.

I wake up to alarms going off. I was still super dizzy and I felt like I had been ran over. When my vision clears up enough I see that we are approaching the planet. I sit up in the seat as best as I could and buckle up half way being too drowsy and dizzy to fully do anything. I just sit there as we start the landing. When we finally land I unbuckel and stumble to the door. I pause a minute to catch my breath before slamming my fist onto the button next to the door. It starts opening and I have to lean against the wall so I don't fall forward. When the door opens all the way I stumble out of the ship and fall. I fell on something soft and green. I roll over onto my back and I see a blue sky above me. I don't know how long I stayed there until I passed out again.



"Mr. Popo come quick! Something is entering the atmosphere!" ??said. A man with black skin wearing a maroon vest with gold trim and white baggy pants with a red, he has gold bands on his arms and a white turban with a turquoise gem on front, ran over to a tall green man wearing a white robe with a purple cape, holding a staph.

"What is wrong Kami?" Mr. Popo said to the green man. They were standing outside looking at the sky. "Look Mr. Popo. There's a ship coming. Do you see the red dot? If you look closer you can see that it's metal!" Kami said pointing to the growing red dot in the sky.

"Do you think they are here to cause trouble?" Mr.Popo asked, looking at Kami in worry. "I'm not sure Mr. Popo, but we better go greet them when they land to make sure they mean no harm." Kami said. They watched as the ship crashed landed then hopped onto Mr. Popo's flying carpet and flew to the landing site. When they get there they see a red triangle shaped spaceship with the door open as they get closer they see a woman wearing a light blue Gi with a dark purple belt with black boots that has been burnt and torn to shreds and is covered with blood, she has pale skin with fiery red hair with spots of white. When they look closer they see that she has a gash on her forehead and has dried blood all down her face.

"She's been injured, Mr. Popo. We need to get her help and fast!" Kami said after he had a good look at her. Together they put her on the flying carpet and took off back to the lookout, where they cleaned her up and patched her up. When they got done they put her in a room to rest. "Mr.Popo I want you to go back to the ship and see if you can find anything about our mystery guest." Kami said.

"Of course Kami. I will be back as fast as I can." Mr.Popo said. He left right after and headed to the spaceship. After an hour Mr.Popo came back with a bag full of clothes, books in a strange language, and strange items. "Mr.Popo I would like you to set a pair of clothes in the room for our guest and make sure the bathroom is all ready for her as well. I am going to meditate on what we should do with our mystery guest." Kami said. "Of course Kami." Mr.Popo replied walking to the room that housed the mystery girl.

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