Chapter One

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I was driving on the highway so close to finally getting home after four years of school. I worked my ass off to get here. I graduated early from school it was hard but I did it. I took day and night classes with no room for a life in between. I don’t even remember what free time feels like. I am so happy I did it though. I got a call from Matilda telling me that Tessa was in trouble and that I needed to return home.

I went to my professor and asked to get  my internship moved when he gave his approval I packed up my clothes and textbooks and put the furniture into storage. That Saturday I was on the road and on my way home.

When I reached the town sign I got out and stretched my body and say on the hood of my car preparing myself. After an hour I got back in and drove down Mains Street. It amazes me how after four years away that it looks like nothing has changed when I feel like I have changed. Turning down the road to my house I reached it ad pulled into the driveway. Looking at the yellow house with the red door a flood of memories came back to me of the day left.

I packed up my clothes and anything of importance and put it in the truck and the back of my car. When it was all done I went inside and knocked on Tessa’s door. “Tess, I’m leaving.”

When I hear nothing I turn the knob and the room is empty. Sighing I turn around and walk back out the door. Matilda looked at me and shook my head.

“She’s not here.” I say to her. Matilda shakes her head and walks over to me. With her arm around my waist she leads me out the door. “She’s taking this hard Matilda. I should stay…”

“No! Your Mama wanted this for you and you wanted this. You are going to go and you’re doing it for yourself! No one else. Is there anything you want me to say to Tessa?” Matilda said.

“No, I will call tonight when I stop. Hopefully she will want to talk.” I replied. “Thanks again for moving in while I am away.” I said as I opened my car door and got in. Putting the key in the ignition I grabbed the door and looked at Matilda. “Talk to you tonight.”

I pulled out and left the town I grew up.

It took three months for Tessa to get on the phone to talk to me.

Walking up to the door I took my keys out and opened the door walking into the front hallway I looked around. Nothing changed.

Hearing dishes clinking in the kitchen I saw Tessa a little bit taller. “School is still in right? So you should be there.” Tessa dropped the glass and turned around I gaped at what I saw and looked at her Tessa looked back at me with tears in her running down her face. “You’re Pregnant!?”

“Re, it’s not what it looks like!” she said with anger.

“It looks like your six months pregnant! Your eighteen years old you should know about safe sex!!” I replied angrily.

“How did I know you wouldn’t listen? You stopped listening a long time ago. This is why I don’t tell you anything,” she cried angrily as she walked by me pushing me out of her way.

“So you didn’t tell me you were pregnant! How did this happen? Tessa answer me!” I yelled at her as she ran up the stairs. I followed her as the door slammed shut and I heard the lock click into place. “Open this door, Tessa!”

“No!” she yelled back.

“Fine, I got something I need to do! I am going to go calm down and you calm down as well and when I get back we will talk!” I yelled through the door. When I didn’t receive an answer in reply I walked downstairs grabbed my keys and drove to the hospital.

Walking in me went to the desk. Kelly a women who graduate four years before I did looked up, “What can I do for you?”

“Looking for Dr. Rawlin.” I told her. “He is accepting me, Ireland Callin.” She froze when I told her my name.

“Ireland! It so good to see you I didn’t even recognize you. You look so old,” she said with a sweet smile.

I smiled back at her, “Yes, I guess that’s what twenty-two does to you. Dr. Rawlin, Need to talk to him.”

“Birth control?” she asked.

“Kelly, I have been on birth control since I was fourteen for medical reasons. I am twenty-two years old and am not interested in your snide remarks. I will like you to call Dr. Rawlins so I can talk to him about my internship. Now are you going to call him or will I have to talk to the head RN about you?” I replied.

She picked up the phone and glared at me while she paged the Doctor.

I smiled at her, “Thanks you.”


I wish it was longer. I have recently gone back to school and this is what I could fit in. I will be working on the next part for a while. I am hoping to have it up by mid November

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