Chapter 3 (Edited + parts added)

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Walking to the back office I sat down and waited for Matilda to grab the coffee. "Do you still take three sugars?' Matilda asked.

"No as university got busy I went shopping less. One day I had run out of sugar and had not gone shopping after for a while I got use to black," I replied babbling trying to fill in the silence. When Matilda handed over the cup I took and cautious sip and when I tasted the thick liquid on my tongue I looked up at her. When I saw she wasn't looking I spit the disgusting liquid back into the cup and put the cup on the desk. "Matilda, I know there is a lot we should catch up on and I really want to hear everything that has changed. At this moment though I need to know about Tessa." I told her.

Matilda looked at me while sipping her coffee, "Tessa is six months pregnant. She didn't want to tell you. When asked why she explained that you got away from all of this. Before you left though you were no longer the older sister who she looked up to you had left long before your body did." When I opened up my mouth to deny it Matilda put her hand up. "Listen Ireland, you were eighteen and Tessa was fourteen. You had lost your parents and you stepped back from life. You did what you had to do to survive at the time. Tessa had lost her parents also and at the same time she had lost you her only family left not in the physical sense but the emotional. The bikers and the ladies stepped in where we could and you grew up with us being family and to us you two will always be family."

Matilda looked at me. I fought the tears that were blurring my eyes. I refuse to cry it was hard not take this as a personal attack but I saw where she was coming from I had cut myself off from everyone including my sister who needed me as much as I needed to get away. 

"Ireland," I looked up at Matilda and she looked in pain, "it is not going to be easy to tell you this and I wish Tessa had let me called you sooner. She did not even know I called you. Tessa snuck out of the house one night and net up with some friends. They went to a party and got smashed. When I went up to check on her she wasn't there. Craig and I sent out the boys looking for her. They didn't find her until the next morning she was on the side of the road." When Matilda paused I had my face in my hands praying that she wasn't going to say it. "She was beaten and raped, Ireland."

"Jesus Matilda!!" I exclaimed as I jumped off my chair and started pacing with my head back and my hands in my hair. "Why did no one call me and tell me what the fuck was happening?"

"At first it wasn't even a thought to call you. When Tessa woke up and we told her what happened she asked where you were and that's when we found out no one had called you. When I went to call she bagged us not to call you. At the time we didn't think it would change anything if we called you or not. When we found out she was pregnant she again convinced us that you were where you need to be at the time and she had decided to get an abortion. We went to the clinic to get the abortion Tessa backed out saying that it wasn't the baby’s fault that she was an idiot. I called you when she dropped out of school because of the students."

"Kids can be mean," I whispered as is at in the chair with my head in my hands. I got up and walked out of the office. 

"Ireland," Matilda yelled out. I didn't answer as I walked out of the bar not even bothering to say goodbye to Craig. I had to get to my sister and that's all there was to it. 

If I had stopped and said goodbye to Craig I would have seen the man who was talking to him sitting with a red head draped across his back look at me with surprise. 


I stepped into the bar to talk to my cousin Craig who moved to Alabama for a change of scene and fell in love with the life of a biker. Craig and I were close ever since we were kids being only children whenever out families got together as kids we would disappear from the silver spoon life as our parents talked and bragged about the future that they had chosen for us. Needless to say we both rebelled. 

Seeing Craig was on bar duty I walked over that way and straddled the chair in front of me. "Hey man," I said. 

"You on your lunch?" Craig asked as he poured me a cup of coffee. 

"Yea, order me up a burger with everything and onion rings." I said and waited for him to put the order in. 

"Listen there's going to be rally this Thursday. You in?" I asked as I felt a body drape over me. 

"I can be your old lady, baby," I heard Red say in my ear. Craig gives me a look and smirk as I winced. Fuck me you would think this bitch would get the idea. Fuck her and she thought you were committed to the biker. Yet she goes around like the old mattress in town. She was the mistake that housing happen. Since Ireland left there was a few night I blacked out from franking and woke up in her bed. Let's say I drank not that often as of right now. Not even sure if Red was her name. 

That's when I heard the bang of the back door opening and saw her come out. She didn't look at the bar over even acknowledge anyone she just left. I could not believe it. 

"Listen Red there is no fucking way that is ever going to happen so go back to where you came from." I said to her. As she opened her mouth to reply I untangled her hands from. "Leave!" I said harshly. 

"When did she get in?" I asked Craig. 

He looked at me, "who?" He asked

"Ireland!" I replied as I stood up from my chair trying to grab his shirt as he dodges me. 

"Alright, alright," I know who you met, “I was just playing ya." 

I glared at him as I straightened the chair the hit the floor when I stood up and made the motion for Craig to continue with what he was saying. 

"She came in about an hour and half ago. She came in looking for Matilda and have been talking in the back office ever since. I didn't even know she was your Ireland when I made a move on herald then she mention she was my boss." He said I glared at him as I headed for the back office. He followed me along the bar. "I was going to tell you when Red came over but was not sure if you wanted that crazy bitch to know your woman was back."

I nodded because he was right. The bitch would've hit the roof. Walking to the back office I knocked on the door when I heard Matilda say come in I walked in a saw a bottle of Tequila in front of her. I frowned not well at all. 

"Just saw Ireland. What happened?" I asked the black haired woman who took a shot as I spoke to her. 

"She went to the house and saw Tessa." I winced. Nope definitely not good. "I explained everything that happened to Tessa let's just I'm wondering how I let an eighteen year old talk me out if calling her sister? Ireland was in pain."

I froze hearing this. "What do you mean pain?" I asked 

"God Killian! You know the story it's a mess and then some. To have to tell Ireland that her sister didn't want her here or her to even know it was like throwing a knife at her and her body catching it repeatedly. I didn't even tell her the reason it called her is because the bastards who did this are stalking her sister now. What if she shuts down again, Killian?" she asks me with a look of panic on her face. 

Looking at Matilda I tell her the only thing I know I can. “First we tell her about the stalking I want her prepared. If she shuts down we bring her back. None if the shit were she's here in body but on another plant emotionally. We shouldn't have let her do the dirt time not letting her does it this time."

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