Chapter 4

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The night of the attack I called Matilda and let her know what happened. When I hung up I took a deep breath to brace myself before I went back into the living room. When I walked back into the room Tessa was sleeping. I walked over and put the throw blanket over her then headed over to the couch and lay down.

“Mom, dad watches out for us please. Protect Tessa. God we need help,” I thought as I got up to walk over to the door and set the alarm after checking all the windows and doors were locked.  Lying back down on the couch I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep which didn’t come until early morning.

When the pounding had started I felt like my eyes had only been closed for minutes. Sitting up I looked around lost. When I caught Tessa trying to get up off the couch I snorted and she turned her head and glared at me. That’s when the banging started again I jumped off the couch and headed to the door. “Show off,” I heard Tessa mutter as I walked pass her. I smirked at her as I looked back, “Heard that.” I say as I leave the living room.

“You were suppose too.” She replied laughing. That’s when the banging started up.

“Hold on,” I yell as I walk to the computer screen to see who is out there. When I saw who it was I paled and almost fell on my ass at seeing who was at the door. I quickly combed my hair back into a messy bun and made sure everything was in the right place as walked to the door and opened it when the banging started again.

“Jesus Killian,” I said “do you know what time it is?” I ask the man with an irritated look on his face.

He looks down at his watch and smirks. “It’s twelve in the afternoon.” I pull a face at him and was about to say something when a yell came from inside the house.

“I have to piss!” Tessa yells. “I can’t get up.” Killian starts to laugh as I walk back making me have to bite my tongue so I didn’t get the pissed off pregnant woman mad at me. “Shut up, Killian.” Tessa says to the blonde haired man behind me with a glare as I help her up off the couch. As she waddles away I turn to look at Killian and look at him and feel myself get wet at the sight of him.

“Coffee?” I ask him as I turn my back to him and walk to the kitchen. Lifting the pot from the burner I added water then then poured water into the reservoir after that was done I put the coffee into the filter and let it go.

“You got attacked last night. Why didn’t you call me? I would have been here within minutes.” Killians says.

“I called the cops and Matilda later on.” I told him while getting coffee cups.

“You called the cops and Matilda. What about me?” he says back

“What would calling you do?” I asked him as I turned with the cups in my hand and handed him one. He put his down and grabbed mine and put it down also.

“You and Tessa would be at my house; safe. Instead of here wondering when they are going to show up again.” He replies while backing me up against the fridge. “You will be with me, Re.”

“Oh Killian, I have been with other men since you. The thing I liked most was when they didn’t leave a letter. They left the night we fucked.” I told him. Truth was there was never anyone else I was just pissed that he left a letter instead of telling me himself. At the same time he was gone the whole time I was getting ready to leave on ride going to rallies across the country. So I was a little pissed and I was going to stay that way for a while.

“I’m calling bullshit on you. There was no other cock in that sweet pussy but mine.” He replied with a clenched jaw.

“That’s what you think, baby. Truth is there was this one guy who licked me so good. He kept me on the edge the entire time god by the end I couldn’t even string two word together. When I did cum I screamed loud enough I was surprised when there was no knock on my door.” I told him fascinated as I watched his jaw clench. When he took a step towards me he stopped at Tessa came into the kitchen.

“Am I interrupting something?” She said while smirking at me from behind Killian backs.

“No not at all,” I replied to her while grabbing my coffee and taking a sit. “We were just talking about what we were going to do when I go into the hospital tonight for my first shift.”

“Well?” Tessa said as she went to pantry to grab peanut butter and brought it over to the toaster.

Killian smirked at me. “You two will be moving in with me.” When he said that the coffee I was drinking went down the wrong way and I started to cough.  Tessa looked over at me. “You okay?” she asked.

“Yep. So I told Killian it was up to you to move in with him until we get these assholes.” I told her.

“I tell you the same thing I told your sister, Tessa. They do not know anything about my house. They don’t know the layout like they do here. They don’t know the security there. You will be safe there because Craig lives with me. We have decided that he will take the night shifts at the bar and I will work during the day. Your sister will be there when she off shift at the hospital.” He said to Tessa. I felt a tick start in my eye. He had it all planned out.

“Sounds good to me,” Tessa said. “We move today?”

“That’s the plan.” Killian replied. “Why don’t you go start to pack we can have you moved in before supper. Just what you need should be good.” After he said that Tessa grabbed her toast and walked out of the kitchen.

“What was that, jackass?” I asked him angrily. “You’re coming in here taking over our life.”

“I am not taking over your lives. I am protecting you like I promised your mother and father I would do. There is some crazy son of a bitch out there that raped your sister; who by the way is pregnant now; who is also now stalking your sister and made it to your house and almost got away with whatever the hell he was trying to fucking do to her.” He gave me a pissed off look and continued on, “Ireland, you will be working different shifts and Tessa will be here.”

“She will be here but she won’t be alone with the blub taking turns watching her,” I replied to him trying to stay calm instead of slapping him like I wanted too.

“What will happen when one of them decided to leave like they did last night? Cassias left last night because nothing has happened in the last month and half.” I stopped him with my hand up in the air.

“You mean someone was supposed to be here with her and they left?” I asked in a voice that was emotionless.

“Someone has been here the entire time. She was never left alone.” He replied looking at me, “Where are you going? Ireland! This conversation isn’t over.” He yelled after me.


“Help Tessa pack.” I yelled behind me as I got into my car and started it. Before I go my car into reverse Killian was there opening the door and looking down at me.

“Where are you going?” He asked me.

“To go have a talk with Cassias for leaving my sister when she shouldn’t have been alone!” I told him as I started to rev my engine trying to get him to move. “Move Killian. I am going to tell the jackass off and maybe punch his light out.” That when Killian reached in and took my keys out my ignition pocketing them and then taking me out of my car. Throwing me over his shoulder he marched into the house and upstairs to the washroom.

“Killian put me down.” I yelled at him while bracing my hands on his lower back.

He ignored me and turned on the shower. “Killian, what are you doing?” I asked him and then I got my answer as he put me into the freezing cold shower.

“Why don’t you cool off and I will go start putting your clothes in suitcases.” He said as he walked out of the washroom and closed the door behind him.


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