Chapter 61- what

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(Ari's POV)
I am still shocked by the fact that all of that has happened the past few years was a lie. It was a dream. I have been living with Clark and Katie for a week now and I hate every minute  of it. I want Lana. I cry pretty much constantly now  knowing that it was fake. All the sudden I see a bright light. I then blink again and I am back in the hospital but it looks different. Much different. It feels like déjà vu because I am back at a hospital and people are frantically speaking. But this time I see Lana through the window. Another dream. She then dishes over to me and starts crying and saying how thankful she is that I'm awake. I then scream "NO STOP I KNOW THIS IS A DREAM AND I WANT TO WAKE UP SO I DONT CAUSE MYSELF MORE PAIN. YOU AREN'T  REALLY HERE YOU ARE JUST A FIGMENT OF MY IMAGINATION."  I then close my eyes really tight and open them up Again. But I'm back at the hospital.  What the hell. "You have been passed out for 5 hours now. What do you remember" Lana asks. I then tell them about waking up at the hospital going home with Clark and Katie. Then some time passes but I don't really know what's going on. They discharge me but I am so out of it. "So you were passed out, dreamed that you were in a coma and in that dream you woke up and your deceased foster parent took you home. Then you wake to the life that the doctor in your coma  dream said that you dreamed in your coma and it actually is real life. I am so freaking confused. What the actual hell Ari!" Lana asked. We then drove into the garage and I turn to Lana. "Slap me as hard as you can." I say. "What" she said taken a back. "I don't want to hurt you." She added. "DO IT" I yell. "Are you delusional?" She scoffed. I then had to say something that would make her mad or get her to try and hit me to see it I would wake me up. "Sean Miguire has no talent and doesn't deserve to be alive." I say with a strait face. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY"  she Scolded. Well that didn't work. So I jabbed  her in the sides knowing that her reflexes would kick it. That got her to slap me in the face. Well it turns out that my life with Lana was real. I have never been so relived.  From that moment on I changed for her. I got along with SashaGrace and I make sure not to take anything in my life for granted.

That's the end of this story! Thank you so much for reading and I know the ending was hella confusing but I kind of tried. Ya I did a lame job so sue me. Please don't I have no money😂 any ways, I'm going to take a break from writing and catch up on some of my books in my reading list. I'll let you know when I write something new. And if you have any suggestions for new story plots (OUAT related..duh) comment and I will read them and take them into consideration :) hope you enjoyed reading my "book" as much as I had fun writing it!

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