Chapter 13 Talks and tears

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(Lana's POV)
When we heard that Ari's mother was in the ICU and not doing well, I talked with Fred about having her stay with us for the night. "I don't know Lana, what if she is a thief of something" Fred asks. "Really is that the best you can come up with" I say sarcastically. "You heard her story, she has no other place to stay and no family. She is in a strange city and has no one."  Lana pleads. " I guess you are right. We can do it. Only this once." Fred agrees.  When the nurse said that Her mother was gone my heart broke. We had to take this girl under our wings.  When we got into our rooms I could tell Ari had something on her mind. I wanted her to bring it up, not me. I don't want therevto be any walls between us.
(Ari's POV)
I had been practicing how to word my thoughts together and have it make sense. Fred was in the shower So I thought that this would be the best time to ask my question. "Lana, is it bad that I am not crying about the fact that Katie died?" Lana move on to the bed with me so we were facing each other. "Well it depends on how close you were." She answered. I was going to say that we had a good relationship but I didn't want to lie to my idol. "When they both took me in they were nice, treating me better then the last home I was at. But when the newness wore of they got really strict and rude and started getting mad at me more and more. When Clark left she started acting nice again. But that was3 months ago. Not much can happen in 3 months." I told her. For some reason I felt comfortable talking with Lana. I felt like I could tell her everything. "That makes sense. You didn't feel comfortable with her so her passing isn't much of a loss which you grieve." Lana said in a reassuring voice. We hugged and then turn on the TV to abc and watch some shows, got some food, and went back up to the room. " I talked with the girls and said that if you want we can have a day, just us, no boys!" Lana said scrunching her nose in the cute way that she does. "I would love that so much!" I said with excitement. "It's almost 10, we should head to bed." She said while Yawning. "Your even cuter in real life  then on the screen!" I told her in a giggle.  I just felt so comfortable around her. All my problems when away when I was with her. I didn't have my suitcase with me so I borrowed a pair of Lana's PJs. There were to queen size beds in the room so Lana and Fred shared one and I got the other. When they were about to sleep the started to kiss and cuddle. It was super  cute, but I didn't want to fall asleep to the sound of people making out. "Get a room!" I said with a smile. "We are in a room smart ass!" Lana said while facing me. "I just don't want to go to bed to the sound of you guys making tacos!" I laughed. Apparently they both knew what that meant. " oh don't worry we will save that for when you aren't around!" She said with a smirk. "Oh my god!" I said as I threw a pillow at them. "Get to sleep! You don't want me to be come the evil queen now do you?!" Lana said trying her hardest to stay serious. "No Ma'm I do not want that. Good night." I told them and we just laughed. 
(Lana's POV)
It's about 2 in the morning and Fred is sleeping sound as a rock but Ari isn't. She is thrashing around in the bed. She is probably having a nightmare, that poor baby. I went to wake her out of the dream. "Ari, Ari baby, your having a nightmare. Wake up honey." She finally wakes up but she has been crying. So I take her to the bathroom so she can fresh in up and so we don't wake up Fred. "Sweetie what's wrong?" I ask her. "It was Jim.. I-I made him angry... And he was c-coming for me." She tells me through the tears. "Who is Jim?" I ask.  "H-he was the one tha- that almost beat me to d-death when I was 10" She told me. I didn't know what to say, so I just held her as long as she wanted. We walked back to the bed and in the voice of a 5 year old she asks if I can sleep with her.

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