- Five -

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** Zachariah **

Jeremiah, Isaiah, and I walked around the territory borders. "The patrol said that the last rouge they seen was seen in the outer area here." Isaiah pointed out, and I ventured further crossing over the border.

"Yeah, I see the prints, but it doesn't go beyond our border. There's more than one, but-" I paused and touched the print. "This one's fresh.." I walked back over the border, back onto my territory and we continued in silence. I stopped suddenly and took a long whiff of the air. "You smell that? Rouge.." I growled.

I watched as Isaiah and Jeremiah also took a smell, and watched as they scrunched their nose's up. Rouges weren't the most pleasant to smell. Their stench is almost over powering. "Wait!" Isaiah said with a sudden urgency that made both Jeremiah and I freeze. "That scent.... I know that scent!" Isaiah didn't bother to explain, but ran towards the direction of the rouge.

"ISAIAH!" Jeremiah and I both yelled at the same time, while running after him. "I'm going to throttle that idiot when I get ahold of him!!"

Jeremiah suddenly picked up speed, "I know that scent too! It's that girl!!"

I growled in frustration, what was a human doing in the woods? The closer we got the stronger both scents became. The second scent which I didn't notice until just now was almost sweet, it was an indescribable scent. I pushed my body faster, passing up Jeremiah, and nearly catching up to Isaiah when he pounced unexpectedly on the rouge that seemed to badly want up the tree. Between the three of us, it didn't take long for us to take down the rouge. Honestly, if it was just myself it wouldn't have been a problem.

We all took another whiff, and all our eyes snapped to the tree. "Hey, Hey are you up there?" Isaiah yelled out.

We all waited in silence, "I-Isaiah?" The quietness of her voice, and roughness made me frown. "I-is that you?"

"Hey, come down. It's safe now.." Jeremiah yelled up, and we all watched as the girl made her way down slowly. The yelped when she landed on the ground, falling over. Jeremiah and Isaiah didn't hesitate to run to her side. "Are you okay?" Jeremiah asked, looking worried.

I could smell the blood now, she was obviously injured. "We should take her back to the house." I spoke up finally, walking over and without permission grabbing the girl up in my arms. She squeaked in surprise, but other wise didn't object. She held onto my shirt tightly, her body tense. "Your safe now, we're going to take you back to our place and patch you up."

The girl in my arms nodded slowly, Jeremiah and Isaiah followed closely as we walked back to the pack house. Once we were inside, I set the girl down on the bar stool. "Jeremiah go grab some clean cloths, Isaiah some antibiotic from the bathroom. Now, you, girl take your hoody off.." I ordered.

The girl hastily took her hoody off, her movement's stiff. I grabbed the supplies as Jeremiah and Isaiah put them down on the bar. Putting them in the order I needed.

"E-Elehna." The girl said quietly.

I stopped what I was doing and turned back, nearly chocking on my own spit when I seen her. She was beautiful. Her eye's though wet and puffy from crying were the most beautiful shade of hazel I'd ever seen, and her hair was a bright red, though I could tell it wasn't her natural color. Realizing I was staring, I turned back to the supplies. "Elehna. I'm Zachariah, but you can call me Zach. I'm these two idiots older brother." Grabbing the gauze, and alcohol I turned back to her, more controlled. "Were you bit?" Something I should have asked in the beginning.

She seemed to think about it, but shook her head. "I don't believe I was." Her voice flowed over me like rays of light.

"Good, can you tell me what happened?" I asked, gently.

She frowned, "I walked into my house. Everything was quiet, and then I heard glass shatter from my kitchen. Then the dog came out of no where. I don't know if the glass I heard was a window or not, but I suddenly ran. I know it wasn't wise, but I knew there was a house somewhere around here, so I thought that if I could get to it- if I could get to it I could call someone... I didn't make it that far, I could hear it behind me, so I climbed the tree. The dog grabbed onto my shoe..." She pointed to her shoeless foot.

I grabbed her foot, and examined it thoroughly, sighing in relief when I didn't see broken skin. It would have been bad had the rouge bit her. "Where did these cuts come from?" I asked, gesturing to her cheek and hands.

She bit her lip, which drew my attention to them. I watched as she spoke, and couldn't help but wonder if her lips were as soft as they appeared. "The branches from when I was running. No matter how much I tried to shield my face they slipped through."

"I see, well we'll get you all patched up." I said, setting to work on cleaning the cuts on her face.

"Are you okay now Elehna? Would you like some water or something to eat?" Jeremiah asked from behind me.

Elehna sighed, "both would be nice if you don't mind."

Isaiah moved forward, sitting on the stool next to Elehna. I could see him giving me curious looks, but I chose to ignore them. Unfortunately, I knew that I wouldn't be able to ignore him for long. After cleaning Elehna's face, I moved on to her hands. It was easier to clean her hands, since I was less distracted and was done in no time. "There you go. All done."

She rubbed her hands slowly together, then looked up and smiled shyly. "Thank you. Seems I'm being saved by all you brother's today." She joked.

Jeremiah set down a sandwich and a glass of water. I could tell by his face that he wanted to say something to her, and waited until he figured out if he wanted to say it or not.

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