- Thirty-One -

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I spent the entire day and the majority of the night outside, just listening to the calming sound of nature. The more I thought the clearer things became. I could feel my doubt towards Michael lift, my doubt about my future with Zachariah lift. Everything seemed so clear, and I felt foolish realizing that everything I'd ever wished for was right in front of me, and instead of accepting and taking advantage of it, I was pushing it away. Granted, I was afraid to trust any one after my father, but I wasn't going to let him win, I wasn't going to let him continue to hold me down, back from the things I desired and more than anything I desired Zachariah.

I purposely stayed outside, down wind, avoiding Zachariah to test something. The purpose was to prove whether the so called bond we shared was what drove me to feel my attraction, my unexplainable need for his closeness. But, out here, being away from him it proved that it was me that felt those things for him and me alone. I literally felt the need to run to him, and wrap myself around him, but I felt the heat on my face at just the thought.

A sudden snap of a branch made me jerk my gaze around, my eyes piercing the darkness surrounding me, my instincts that I never knew kicking in. I took in the sounds, the scent that surrounded me and relaxed when I figured out it was Zachariah. "You found me." I whispered in the night, unwilling to ruin the peacefulness.

"I'll always find you." He said back, just as quiet coming out into the open. My eyes devoured him, his form, his grace, his strength. Everything about him called to every cell in my body, and again I felt that foolishness.

"I'm happy you will." I said, craning my neck as he walked closer to me.

"Why are you out here alone? Did my father say something to upset you?" His voice took a protective edge that made my heart swell and break all the more. Even if I knew what I wanted, I still needed to tell him how I felt or else I wouldn't be able to fully move on.

"No, no your father told me the truth and that was it. I don't hold any bad feelings for your father. I may not completely understand, but I know from what he told me that even though he didn't want to do what he did, he had no choice." I said hastily. The last thing I wanted was for him to be angry with his father. "I needed to be alone to think. You see, I've done that too much lately. Isolate myself, protect myself because I was afraid of getting hurt, but it wasn't the only reason." I admitted, looking up to his confused face. "I was afraid after you told me we were mates, about what I've learned about what exactly that means. Your so perfect even with your imperfections. And, I'm so-" I paused, taking a shattered breath, "so broken, tainted by what my father has done to me. I feel as if I'm unworthy of you, and what you offer. I-"

I was instantly cut off by Zachariah's mouth covering mine, his kiss was hot, wild and rough almost punishing, but I took it with pleasure. When he broke the kiss we were both breathing heavily, and his forehead rested against mine. The feelings he brought out in me scared me, but I bravely looked into his eyes, ignoring the tears that threatened to spill over. "You aren't tainted, and everything that's broken can be fixed. Elehna, to me your the purest of pure. Your the pure in my tainted world."

I was full on crying by the time he stopped speaking, my emotions relieved and happy. His hands caressed my face, wiping my tears away. "You Elehna are my mate, and with my very last breath I will make sure that you are happy. All you have to do is accept me."

I opened my eyes, stared into his blue orbs and nodded,  "of course I accept you Zachariah. I just feared you-" He put his finger over my mouth, stopping me from talking.

"Never, you are mine. Body, Mind, soul and heart  you belong to me and me alone. I will never give you up, never let you feel alone again." He spoke so passionately that I had a hard time restraining myself.

"Then I accept you. I don't know how, but I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy. I- I love you Zachariah." I said, my face heating up. Never, in my life have I ever uttered those words to anyone other than my mother and my father, and never have I fully given my trust to someone like I was now giving to Zachariah.

A heart stopping grin broke out on Zachariah's face, and he leaned down and kissed me once again. This kiss however was softer, gentle and passionate. I curled my arms around his neck, holding him to me, feeling ever hard ridge of his body pressed against my own and it fueled our kiss. His hands roamed, as he dominated my mouth. I was helpless against him, small whimpers escaped me when he removed his mouth from my own, and trailed wet kisses down my throat. "Tell me again, tell me that you accept me fully." His voice was deeper, huskier than before and it sent a shock of something to the pit of my stomach. An ache taking place.

I tried to speak, but struggled to get the words out as he continued his pleasurable assault on my throat. "I- I accept you f-fully!" I half breathed, half yelled. His teeth began to nip at a certain part of my neck and shoulder. Never would I have guessed that, that spot would be sensitive, but now I knew better. Each and every nip of Zachariah's teeth nearly made my legs buckle beneath me.

Zachariah growled as my small whimpers filled the night air, I gasped in pain and immense pleasure as he suddenly bit down on my shoulder hard, I could feel the burn of his teeth piercing through my skin, but it was pleasant burn. My eyes closed, my legs finally gave out, but I didn't fall. Zachariah was there holding me up, against his body as his teeth went deeper. My whole body felt alive, warm and alert. It was overall an indescribable feeling. When he pulled away from my neck, I could feel him lapping at my shoulder. When he pulled back fully, I could see the blood, my blood at the corner of his mouth. "Your mine now Elehna, and nothing will ever stand between us." He looked down at me, his eyes shining with love and adoration. "I love you mate." He whispered just as my eyes closed, darkness and fatigue taking me.


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