- Sixteen -

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Two days have passed, and everything seemed better, school was even better. I didn't hide as much as I did before, then again Isaiah, and Jeremiah didn't allow me too. My bruises were healing, slowly, but healing and I was absolutely in love with Karen and her husband. They were the sweetest people, and the cutest couple I'd seen in a very long time. After years of being together they seemed more in love with each other every time I seen them.

"Elehna, honey. I picked you up some cloths." I heard Karen say as she set the bags down beside my chair.

"Thanks Karen, but you really didn't have too. I eventually have to go back home..." I said quietly, I didn't want Isaiah, Jeremiah or Zachariah hearing me, because every time I'd mentioned it over the last two days they threw fits. I watched Karen take a seat beside me.

"Elehna. I know that this is hard for you, I can't imagine how hard it must have been to live with that on your shoulders. Or, to do it all alone. Now, your not. You have me, Michael, and lets not forget the boys. You fit in here, Elehna." Karen said, patting my hand.

I sighed, "your right. I'm just nervous. I've been gone for two days already, and I don't know what my father will do. I've never done this, and I don't want you family to be involved.." My emotions were going haywire. I felt this intense attraction to Zachariah, and day by day it grew more. Worse, I knew that he was just being nice to me, it wasn't because he had the same feeling. I kind of felt pathetic when I first realized I liked him, because I blamed it on the fact that besides Isaiah and Jeremiah it was the first time that anyone around my age had actually cared.

"Honey you have nothing to worry about, as we speak my husband is doing what he does best." Karen assured, "I'll just got put these cloths in your room." And, with that Karen left me alone and disappeared back into the house. I sighed, looking over the back yard.

I knew this was only temporary, but what Karen said stuck with me. I did fit in. I met the other's that lived around her, all close friends to either Karen and Michael, or to the boys. Even the one's that went to school with me. Though, they weren't in the same building as me, so they weren't the one's who bullied me, thank god. That would have been horrible all on it's own. I had fun, I laughed, I even began to joke around again. But, just when I began to become my old self, before all the beatings started I'd close myself off. I couldn't get comfortable here, I wasn't staying. What if whatever Michael and Karen were planning didn't work? What if I was forced to go back to my father? That thought alone had me scared.

** Zachariah **

"I'm going crazy!" I said as I paced my office. Isaiah, and Jeremiah were there with me, watching me amused. I wanted to snap at them for thinking this was so amusing. "The more time I spend with her, the harder it is to keep my hands to myself." I rubbed my face.

"Well, the plan is almost done. We wait until her father's locked up, dad's already making plans to talk to the court about letting her stay since it's not long till graduation and till she turns eighteen. You just have to wait a couple weeks." Jeremiah said calmly.

I nodded, even though my mind was rebelling against waiting. I didn't want to wait, I wanted her, and I wanted her to know that no matter what, I'd be here. As it was now, she was most likely thinking I was just a friend to her in her time of need, and I didn't want to be labeled as her friend as selfish as that sounded. "But, it's so hard!" I could hear myself whine.

Isaiah apparently had, had enough and burst out laughing. I turned and glared at him, and he coughed trying to cover up his laugh and to calm himself down. "This isn't funny!" I growled.

"On the contrary I believe it is. I've never seen you like this, and I'm taking great amusement in it. You can't blame me." Isaiah said.

"I'm going to go talk to her." I stated walking towards the door.

"Like you guys haven't talked enough. Honestly, even though I know that right now you aren't a thing she and you are always near each other. Always talking, and whatever else. It's amazing neither of you have jumped each other already." Isaiah joked. I ignored him and walked out of the office, slamming the door as I went.

I knew my brother was just making fun, and I didn't blame him really. But, he didn't understand how hard this was. I followed Elehna's scent to the back patio, and stopped looking at her through the glass doors. She was stunning and seemed to get even more beautiful each time I saw her. I opened the door, intending to speak to her, but stiffened when I was quite literally smack in the face with the stench of rouges.

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