Guys I want to apologize. Band camp has taken over my life. I have soccer practice before it at 7:30 AM and the. Band camp is 9:00-9:00. When I get home, I eat, take a shower, pick out my clothes for tomorrow, and go to bed. I'm sorry I don't have time to write, but I'm doing the best I can. My health is also and issue. I've lost 6 pounds in three days. That's 2 pounds a day guys. That's not healthy. So I need to do what's best for me first. You guys are always in my mind and I'm sorry. I'll try to update soon. I love y'all so much! Please don't think I'm ignoring you. I love you guys more than you know. I just wanted to let you know what's going on. Y'all are the best! Love ya!😘❤️❤️
Reylo Pictures
RandomOk so the title tells it all. This whole thing is Reylo pictures from my phone that I just wanna share with you. I got these all from Google and I don't own anything from this unless stated. I may put some announcements in here too.