Moment of Truth

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A/N: I don't really have much to say except thank you for the support!

Enjoy! :)


With Bastian and Thomas out of the door, it was only Angelina and Manuel left in her kitchen. This was the last thing she wanted and she couldn't help but scream traitor at Thomas and Bastian in her mind.

Before Angelina could even think about walking over to the door, Manuel stood up and locked the door for her. He did her usual routine, knowing she was watching him, for the first time that night. Once he was done, we walked back over to her and sat down again.

"So, ending our friendship like it was something that you built just a couple of years ago, very shocking to be quite honest. You did it with such ease, I still have whiplash from it." Manuel clasped his hands together on the breakfast bar. "What's going on Angelina? Is this Cristiano's doing? You're really going to let your new boyfriend ruin our friendship?"

Angelina wouldn't even look at Manuel. She took her glass and placed it inside the sink. She didn't know what to say to him. Remaining quiet was her way of thinking about what to say to her best friend of over fifteen years. 

"You're not going to say anything?" Manuel didn't sound angry anymore, he just sounded defeated and she's never heard that directed to her before. The only time she heard it was when he was trying to make the ranks in Schalke and look where he was now. "You won't even look at me Angelina, I didn't know distance would do this to us, I thought we were stronger than that."

"This isn't about distance, Manuel." Angelina replied as she took the carton from the breakfast bar and walked over the fridge to put it away.

"Then you want to explain to me what this is all about?" Manuel knew he shouldn't be so strong with Angelina. He had to give her a chance to explain because he couldn't think of any reasonable reason for her to end their friendship the way she did.

"Things just change and our relationship isn't the same anymore." It was a reasonable reason, but she knew Manuel wouldn't buy it. She had to try anyway.

"Bullshit, you want to try again?" 

"Why is that so hard to believe? You can't always expect me to keep up with traditions and keep you as my number one priority. Things are different now." Angelina was making it up as she went. Blurting out her love for him would be much easier than this web of lies she was doing, but she wasn't ready to let it out. Like she told her father, she was going to tell him through a letter.

"So this is about Ronaldo," Manuel couldn't think of any other reason. When she became closer to Cristiano, their relationship changed.

"Can you stop bringing Cristiano into this?" Angelina snapped. "This has nothing to do with him, this is about us."

"Angelina, I'm trying here, you can't expect me to be okay with you ending our relationship. You're my best friend." Manuel reasoned with her.

Angelina didn't know how to reply to him. No reason really made sense and he wouldn't accept anything she was throwing at him. What other excuses can she possibly come up with? Manuel knew her was well as he knew the back of his palm. There was no way she could feeding him bullshit. But at the same time, she didn't want to use anyone as a scapegoat.

"Then just stop trying because there's no use to salvaging this friendship." She decided to go with being a complete and total bitch. Manuel would surely leave her alone after this. "I don't want to be friends with you anymore because it's weighing me down. Being your friend is suffocating because you act like my brother when you're not and you never will be." Angelina held on to the counter in front of her, gripping tightly as if it was giving her strength to continue her lies. "You always tried to run my life, prime example is your displeasure with me finding new friends. Am I not allowed to have friends?"

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