if you're happy, I'm happy

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A/N: An update is here! Woooh! So, I think I will be making a sequel for this story. I've honestly fallen in love with the characters and I want to continue. Hopefully you're enjoying the story as much as I am! Thank you so much for all the love!

Dedicating this chapter to whatrocksyourboat. Thank you! :)


Manuel looked at his Instagram feed and saw Angelina enjoying Brazil with Dani. But he was certain she wouldn't stay for long since Portugal was eliminated from the World Cup. Though he was hoping she would stay so he could talk to her, but from what Thomas told him, Angelina was leaving in two days to join Cristiano in Madeira.

After his realization a week ago, he hasn't tried reaching out to Angelina since he wanted a concrete plan. He meant business so he wasn't going to act out of impulse. He was going to plan this out and really show her that he was in it for the long run. But that was the hardest thing because he's seen her a couple of times and she would just give him this small smile and his heart would fucking flutter like he was a teenager with a crush. And a few moments later he would be filled with jealousy because Cristiano would come in and wrap an arm around Angelina's shoulders and just place this kiss on her cheek, then this absolutely gleeful smile would appear on her face.

It was sickening.

Once he realized his feelings for Angelina, he informed her two brothers and father. Their reaction was unexpected, well, not really. They were extremely supportive and was happy he realized what was always there, but they did tell him that Angelina was happy with Cristiano and they didn't want her to be unhappy again. Basically, as happy as they were that Manuel finally realized he had feelings for Angelina, they wanted Angelina to experience things with Cristiano, since Manuel's realization was still quite fresh and the last thing they wanted was for him to back out and leave. Manuel couldn't even be offended by their claim, he understood why they were hesitant, but that motivated him further to prove he was the best pick for her.

"You know, we should be going around Brazil, enjoying it and whatnot." Bastian flipped through the television channels, sitting on the edge of the bed as Manuel sat at the top of the bed, with his back against the headboard.

"No one's stopping you," Manuel was still attached to his phone, going through Angelina's Instagram page.

"If you didn't know her I would consider this stalking." Bastian looked back at his friend knowing fully well what he was doing. "Actually, this is still stalking, but I'm going to let it slide since I am overjoyed at the fact you finally realized your feelings for her."

"Can you be anymore annoying?" Manuel rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Come on, you had to have expected this. This is our crowning moment, you finally admitted you love Angelina. Something everyone has seen from the beginning, but you were in denial." Bastian turned towards Manuel, placing the remote on the bed. "Though, I'm shocked you haven't made a move."

"I don't want to act out of impulse. When I finally tell her, I want it to be perfect and no room for doubt." Manuel hasn't been waiting for years like Angelina has, but they were finally on the same page when it came to their feelings for one another. He loves her, he wanted to share a life with her, but he wanted to give her a chance to get Cristiano out of her system. That sounded fucked up, but he doesn't think they're going to last long or even at all. She loves him and feelings like that don't go away, that's why he was taking his time.

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