SCP-3005's File

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Clearance level: 4
Item #: SCP-3005
Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-3005 is to have a collar on that is to a wall in a secure holding cell in Research Sector- ██ . SCP-3005 is to not be removed from its cell unless approved by a level 4 personnel before which must be sedated and have a working shock collar on ,that produces 10,000 volts of electricity, secured around its neck.

SCP-3005 is a shape shifter that states it has a original form but declines to turn into this "True form." as it describes and also claims that its from another planet that does not exist with in out detention. SCP-3005 usually stays as a black winged human that stands 1.8 m tall and weighs 56.6 kg.Foundation staff have described  this SCP as looking as if it were a woman within her twenties but SCP-3005 tells us it is actually 5,346 years but happily takes their age guess as a compliment.

SCP-3005 often wears a mask, known as SCP-3005-1, that becomes fused to its faces when worn by SCP-3005. Any attempts to remove the mask threw surgery has proven unsuccessful and its been observed that SCP-3005 will only remove the mask when it desire to. If SCP-3005 wing feathers are ever ruffled in a way it does not desire then it will fix them till it is satisfied with its appearance, security staff have noticed the cameras are mysteriously shut off for 5 to 7 minutes during the time SCP-3005 is caring for itself and have now been advised to stay calm during these moments but have been advised to alert the MTF officers near the cell if the cameras malfunction for longer that 10 minutes. 

If SCP-3005 is angered or feels threatened changes into the form of a black wolf that stands 2.4 m tall and weighs 90.7 kg, its bottom jaw will slit and the sound of tearing flesh and the breaking bone of it jaw can be heard as it does so, a thick black saliva like substance can be seen dripping from its mouth as its long but thick snake like tongue hangs out loosely wether or not its wearing SCP-3005-1, all foundation staff have strict orders to stay away from SCP-3005 when in this state. SCP-3005-1 appears to be made bone on the side of SCP-3005's face that it was placed on while past a centimeter away from the front of it's ear and down to the collarbone the skin is white, hairless, and feel as if the skin has become leather. SCP-3005's blood is made up of unknown properties and is described as having the consistency and color of tar and seems to oddly hold the temperature of 98°F for up to an hour. Samples of both the blood and saliva of SCP-3005 show results of them sharing some of the same unknown properties.

SCP-3005 refuses speak when it is either unhappy with its current situation, asked the same question multiple times, or when spoken to in a threatening tone. SCP-3005 becomes annoyed as well as aggressive when having to be put a small room for a extended period of time, scientist believe its because it has claustrophobia or it just doesn't like to feel as if its being treated like a animal in a zoo. 

SCP-3005 will lash out viciously at SCP foundation staff it sees as a threat that enters the same room as it in a attempt to kill them in anyway that is possible. In a few instances SCP-3005 will devour the heart,  ████ , ████ or ████ when it kills a victim, reasons for this are still unknown. A unbreakable black crystal like matter that has been named SCP-3005-B has been found on some of SCP-3005 victim's bodies or on the floors and walls of its cell, scans taken of SCP-3005 have been unsuccessful in show how it is able to produce the crystal like mater and any SCP-3005 is questioned about the crystals it refuses to respond.

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