Chapter 9

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SCP-3005's POV:

We walked down a hallway I didn't recognize at all "I thought I was supposed to be going back to my cell.Where are we going?" I spoke looking over at Dr.Conway, she didn't speak and we just kept walking.
about 10 minutes passed before we stopped infront of a door and she finally said "You're going in for a interview." , the door opened to a small room that had a metal table with a single metal chair pulled up to it and one wall of the room was a window with someone clearly standing on the other side. The MTFs who were holding the pole that was attached to my collar forced me to walk forward towards the table then proceeded to have my sit in the chair before they hand cuffed me to it, the MTFs left the room and the door to the interview room closed. I looked around the room observing every detail of the cement walls around me while purposely avoiding to look through the window that one of the doctors stood behind, "Hello SCP-3005. Do you know why you're here?" they said and I now looked at the doctor so he knew he had my attention and I just shrug not really knowing why I am in this interview room. "Well, you are here to answerer a few questions for me so the foundation knows more about you." he said,
"I don't know, mother always said not to talk to strangers." I said in a joking tone,
"If you really must know, I'm known as Dr.Hansen."
"What? You humans don't have first names here?"
"That information is classified.  Now, can we continue on with this interview?"
"I guess so, don't got any other choice."
"First question. Are there more creatures out there like you?"
"There are many species out there that can shapeshift. But if you're more specifically asking that if there if more of my kind, then yes."
"How many of your kind are left? "
"There's only me and one other, everyone else is gone."
"What happened to them?"
I went silent for 5 minutes before Dr.Hansen continued with the questions,
"What exactly are you capable of doing?"
"That's classified dear doctor. "
"Alright then, what was your reason for killing those hunters."
"I was protecting myself and my friend, I didn't intend to kill the ones who were actually human but then got in the way so I hand no choice."
"This friend you speak of, are they the other of your kind?"
"No, they are human."
"What was your friends name?"
"Liked I'd tell you, I know your people would go after them and probably erase their memories or worse. I'm not dumb you know."
"Back to the hunters, you said that you didn't intend to kill the ones that were humans. Weren't all those hunters human?"
"What were they non-human hunters then?"
"Nothing you need to worry about, that situation is under control."
"What do you mean by that statement?"
"It's nothing you need to worry about."
"Well if you know the wear abouts of those non-human thing then the foundation would greatly appreciate it if you told us where they were."
"I only let you capture me." I said quietly,
"Excuse me SCP-3005? What was that you said?"
"I said I only let you capture me."
"How is that relevant to the creatures you spoke of?"
"It's relevant because you can not catch them, they won't let you and weather you do or not humans will be killed in the process."
"How do you know?"
"I-I don't want to talk about it."
10 minutes passed before the next question was asked,
"How old are you?"
"Usually I don't tell but just for the hell of it I'll tell you, I'm 7,652 Earth years old."
"How many languages do you speak?"
"A lot, most of which are not even from your galaxy."
"How where you able to travel that far out in space?"
"Well first off my planet was not located in the galaxy so my people obviously were much more advanced than yours,we were even advanced enough to figure out time travel and how to get to different dimensions."
"H-how is that possible?"
"You don't need to worry about that right now, you humans will eventually get there just as long as your star doesn't blow up first."
"What is your opinion on the human race?"
"If don't hate the human race, I try to stay within reason as to why I kill some of you. You all still growing and learning,  it's very fascinating to obverse you develop. "
"How long long have you been watching us?"
"Hmmm, I first encountered your planet when it was the year 1496 AD I believe. The North Americans act so dominant over the others, it's quite funny actually."
"What was your reason for breaking out of containment earlier?"
I looked down "I don't wanna answer any more questions." I said.
Moments later the MTFs came in and took me back to my cell.

Time skip:

An hour passed before Dr.Conway walked into my cell so I shut off the cameras when she came in.
"Mind telling me about what happened earlier?" She asked,
I stood causing the chains attached to my broken shock collar and now cuffs on my wrist to clank against one another.
"Jewel wanted me to play one of her games." I said,
"So that's why there were those scratches on your cheek?"
"What did you think those were from?"
"I don't know, but now that you've seen Jewel this means we have less time to figure out  how to get you out."
I sighed "Yeah, I know. How are you coming along with your plan anyways? "
"Slowly, at this point I'm thinking we'll have to just improvise with the best time comes to bust you out."
"I can deal with having to wing it, already have my shock collar problem solved." I said fluttering my wings a bit,
"Ok, first of that was a terrible pun. Second your shock collar problem is not fixed, you're gonna be taken in tomorrow to get it fixed along with them possibly doing some test on your mask depending on if you put it on between the time of now and tomorrow."
"Dang it."
"Well, I must go now." She turned away and walked out of my cell,
"See ya later Conway." I said.

(Woo! Another chanter finished!  Wasn't that...interesting? DON'T FORGET TO REQUEST WHAT SCPs YOU WANT ME TO PUT IN THIS STORY BEFORE IT'S OVER!!!!!!!)

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