Chapter 6

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SCP-3005 POV:
"Come on Doc, you can tell me." I said getting up with a grin on my face,
"It's nothing important, really." SCP-049 said,
I hugged him from behind and wrapped my wings around him, I felt him flinch slightly when I did this " Are you sure?" I whispered,
"Alright, I may have fallen I love with someone."
"You gonna who this special someone is?"
"No, I'm not ready to say who it is yet."
"I'm gonna keep asking you who it is and guessing till you tell me."
"You don't even know that many of the other SCPs yet."
"Well, you did tell me that you're friends SCP-173 so maybe when the MTF take you out of my cell I'll getting Dr.Conway to request to Dr.████ for a test to be run between me and him."
"And what do you think you get out of him?"
"Intell about your love life. What else?" I purred before letting go of him,
SCP-049 didn't turn to look at me when he said "I don't think you'll get anything out of SCP-173 if I ask if not to say anything."
"If there's a will, then there's a way." I said with a chuckle.

Time skip! Brought to you by "Shock collars" :

A week had passed and the hole in my head had completely healed along with SCP-049 being taken out of my cell 2 days ago when he sat in the corner and would talk to me for 5 days straight. Dr.Conway came into my cell before the door closed behind her, " You wanted to talk to me 3005?"
"Yes Doctor, I wanted to request a interaction test with SCP-173." I said,
"Do you know anything about it?"
"Nothing other than that he and SCP-049 are friends. Why do you ask?"  I made the cameras and mics to my cell go to static so she could tell me,
"Well knowing you, I don't think you'll like him."
"Why, Conway?"
"The best way I can describe SCP-173 is that its much like a weeping angel minus the angel statue look and the whole sending back in time thing."
"So its a statue of some sort that move when your not looking at it and it snaps necks?"
"I think I can handle that."
"Well, if you can't tell it int time that you're a SCP to and that you know SCP-049 then you might have some difficulties with having you neck constantly snapped."
"Can you please stop referring the SCPs as it and please apply their genders when talking to me? It's annoying."
"Apologies 3005. But I gotta know, why are you wanting me to request thins to Dr.█████?"
"I need some info about SCP-049 that only he would know."
"Okay, but I'll have to put something else in my report for the reason for you requesting this or its going to sound suspicious."
"Then come up with some sort of bullshit reason that sounds realistic Ni-.... Conway."
"Alright, fine."
"Thanks you."
MTF came rushing into the cell with their rifles at the ready " Dr.Conway are you alright?"
She turned to them confused " Yes, is there a problem?"
"The cameras and microphones went to static." one of the MTF officers said,
"Strange, I was not aware of this happening. Luckily nothing happened to me wile they were malfunctioning." She said calmly,
I made the cameras and microphones turn back on.
"Guess I must leave now, I have other things to do than just stand around." Dr.Conway said as she left the room along with the MTFs,
"I got my eye on you SCP-3005, I'll make sure to be the first human to gun you down if you try to escape." A young looking MTF said who was slowly walking out of my cell backwards,
"I would love to see you try kid." I said
"Carter, hurry up. We got shit to do!" someone yelled, the young MTF left and the door closed.

Dr.{Nicole} Conway's POV:

When I got to my office I wrote a E-mail to Dr.█████  that said:
' Dear Dr.█████,
I had SCP-3005 request to be put in a cell with SCP-173 for a interaction test on the date of October 10, 2006 at 7:48 PM. The reason that SCP-3005 gave me for waning to do this test was that it had heard from SCP-049 that it was "A fun guy to hang around." so SCP-3005 wanted to get to know SCP-173 to see if this was true or not. Please respond back whenever you have the time so we can set a date and time for this test to be run.
After sending the E-mail I was doing paper work for about an hour before Dr.█████ responded back to me with a approval for the test to be run on October 12 at any time I want and all I have to do is send him a E-mail 3 hours before getting some MTF officers to retrieve and transport SCP-3005 to SCP-173's cell, I think SCP-3005's plan is going to work out just fine.

(Over 800 words! Wow! But if any of y'all are wondering why I chose the year 2006, it's simply because I'm planning to make a Book 2 of SCP-3005 that's going to take place 10 years after something crazy SCP-3005 to the SCP foundation at the end of this book. So yea, after I finished with this story I'll immediately start working on book 2 but you guys go ahead and start commenting on what you think SCP-3005 is going to do at the end of this story. DON'T FORGET TO REQUEST WHAT SCPs YOU WANT ME TO PUT IN THIS STORY!!!!!!!!)

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