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"Hurry up!"

"Why?" Tom asked from inside the guest room.

I groaned, "Because my sisters will be here any moment. Our donut eating and looking at Christmas lights must be very punctual."

There was a few seconds of silence before the door was yanked open. I immediately started giggling and clapping my hands.

"Thank you so much!" I squealed.

Like me, Tom was wearing Christmas pajamas. It took a lot of convincing, but I'm so happy he gave in.

"Your sisters are here!" my dad yelled from downstairs.

I grabbed Tom's hand and yanked him out of the room, "And just in time!"

We rushed down the stairs and met my sisters who were currently waiting by the door. I dropped Tom's hand and hugged my lovely siblings.

"So you must be Tom Holland." Abi smiled.

Blair gave him a hug, "We've heard so much about you."

"Oh, that's Abigail and Blair." I clarified for him.

He nodded, "Nice to meet you ladies."

"I forgot he was British." Abi gasped.

The four of us broke into laughter. Gah, I was really missing my sisters. Abigail and Blair pulled Tom and I out of the house and over to Abi's car. Tom and I were shoved in the back while Abi and Blair occupied the front seat.

"Here you go." Abigail said as she handed Tom and I a box of donuts.

"Back seat gets their own box and so does front seat. Half chocolate with sprinkles, half plain glazed. I hope that's okay with you, Tom." Blair explained.

Tom shook his head, "This is perfect!"

We began our drive to look at Christmas lights, and like normal, Abi had prepared a route for us to follow.

Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. So the fact that I get to spend it with my favorite people is even better.

I couldn't help but stare at Tom's facial features and expressions. He looked so happy. The Christmas lights reflecting on his face made it even better.

"I'm pregnant." Blair blurted out of nowhere.

These Christmas lights are so breathtaking! I especially love the blue on-


"You're pregnant?!" Abi and I yelled at the same time.

Blair let out a nervous laugh, "I couldn't think of how to tell you guys, but yeah, Ben and I are going to have a baby."

"When's the due date?" Abi asked.

I was speechless. I'm completely in shock.

"August the 8th." Blair responded.

Abi nodded in response, "So you're 1 month in."

"Sure am."

Abi held Blair's free hand, "Are you ready for this?"

"I guess I have to be. There's no way I'm giving this baby up."


"Well that was officially the most awkward car ride ever." Tom breathed out as he flopped down on the middle of the guest bed.

I laid down at the end of the bed with his feet at my stomach, "Yeah, sorry about that. I knew Blair had something to tell us, but I had know idea she'd drop that bomb on us."

"You're fine. But hey, you get to be an auntie now!" Tom smiled.

Well, I think he did. I can't really see his face.

I smiled, "I'm happy for them."

"Auntie DD." Tom blurted.

I poked the bottom of his foot, causing him to squirm. He nudged me with his foot.

"Don't do that." he pouted.

I giggled and poked him again, "Bite me."

"I mean I can if you want me to." Tom smirked.

I gasped and hit his foot, "Tommy! That's so inappropriate."

He laughed at my reaction and then we both fell into silence. As we waited there in silence, I let my eyes shut. It was getting late and I was utterly exhausted.

I hadn't really done much today, but I was still very worn out. I was almost asleep when I felt Tom nudge me with his foot.

"Yes, Tommy?" I mumbled.

"It's after midnight."

I nodded with my eyes closed, "Mmhm. And?"

"That means it's officially Christmas Day." he responded.

I softly smiled, keeping my sleepy eyes closed, "Merry Christmas, Tommy."

"Happy Christmas, Lilah."

I grabbed hold of Tom's feet and cuddled into the bed. Neither one of us bothering to move.

"Night, Tommy."

"Night, Lilah Love."

The Family Business // Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now