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It was the end of the press tour and Marvel had been signing us all up for random photoshoots. Everyone in the cast was moaning and groaning about the photoshoots we had to do today, but I was excited.

It's like they get a little taste of my normal life.

"Chris and Robert first." someone spoke.

The two of them walked over to where the photoshoot was taking place leaving the rest of us on the couches. Yet again, Tom and I ended up on a smallish chair together. I was actually kind of sitting on Tom's lap.

"How about I take you out on a date after this?" he whispered in my ear.

I shrugged, "What were you thinking about doing?"

"Well, since neither one of us can legally drink in the US... I was thinking about getting some sparkling grape juice to celebrate and have a movie night back at your place." he suggested.

I let out a little laugh, "That's not really 'taking me out' but it sounds like fun, I'm in."


"Red or white grape?" Tom asked as we stood in the grocery store.

I shifted the snacks I had in my arms, "Red."

"Do we have everything?" Tom asked.

I nodded, "I think so."

We walked in silence over to the self check-out spot and rang up and paid for our groceries. The grocery store was right around the corner from my house, so we grabbed our bags and walked.

"What movies are we gonna watch?" I asked as we walked.

Tom glanced over at me, "I say we watch all of the Marvel movies. You have those right?"

"Yes, of course I do. Do you know who my dad is?" I chuckled.

Tom let out a little laugh, "Can we put pajamas on and watch them in your room?"

"Sounds like a plan." I smiled.

Tom was staying with us while we were going around for the press tour. His flight back home was in a couple days, so since the press tour ended he's living in the guest room.

About 15 minutes later, we were both in my bed with our pjs on. I had on pj shorts and a tank top while Tom had on pj pants and a tshirt. I opened the box of cheese its, crawled off the bed, and looked over at Tom.

"Are we watching the movies in the order of how they released or how they happened?" I asked.

He shrugged, "How they happened."

I slid the first Captain America movie into the DVD player before rejoining Tom on the bed.

"What a shame. If we had watched them in the order they released, you could've seen me in the first Iron Man." I sighed.

Tom's eyes went wide, "Wait, what?"

"I'm an extra in every movie my dad is in, well except for Civil War since I'm actually playing a character. Since my dad always took me to set with him, I always got to be in the movie somehow." I shrugged.

Tom threw his arms up, "You'll be in more Marvel movies than I'll ever be."

"Perks of being RDJ's daughter." I laughed.


"We're out of sparkling grape juice." Tom frowned.

I held my finger up, "Hold on."

I ran out of the room to where my hiding spot for stuff like this was. I grabbed what was needed and ran back to Tom, making sure no one saw me.

"What'd you get?" Tom asked when I reentered the room.

I pulled the bottle out from behind my back, "The good stuff."

"Where'd you get that, Lilah?" Tom raised his eyebrows.

I smirked, "I have my secret stash. I steal a bottle from my dad's collection every party we have. He just thinks that we drank it."

"Damn, we've got a badass on or hands." Tom put his hands up.

I shook my head at him as I opened the bottle. I immediately took a rather long sip. Is it weird that wine is one of my favorite things to drink?

"Are you planning on getting drunk?" Tom asked, grabbing the bottle from me and taking a sip himself.

Tom sat the bottle on the table beside him before looking back over at me.

I shrugged, "If it happens it happens. I mean it's 3am and we've only watched 4 movies. Might as well have something to drink during our marathon."


I leaned over and planted my lips on his, already tasting the alcohol on his breath. I kind of like it... a lot.

I crawled over toward him as I deepened the kiss. Damn was he a good kisser.

Tom's arms snaked around my waist and he pulled me over to where I was straddling his body. I tangled my fingers in his curls as we kissed. He slid his hands up under my tank top and ran his fingers up and down my bare back, sending shivers down my spine.

I pulled away, leaving my forehead on his, to catch my breath, "I really love you, Tommy."

"I really love you, Lilah."

The Family Business // Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now