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Jade's P.O.V

I walk to school. You know the usual.... and I see Cameron by the doors I walk past him as quick as I could which apparently wasn't fast enough sadly.
"O Jade!" He hums in my ear. I smirk.
I turn around so fast I whip my long hair eight in his face.
"Owwww your hairs hurts," he complains holding his cheek.
"Don't hum in my ear then," I smirk.
"Anyways," he says starighting himself up.
"Wanna go to a party tonight?" He asks.
"Nuh uh," I say a start walking away.
"BUTTTTT JADEEEEEE....." He complains.
"Cameron i have social anxiety. I'm bad around new people epically when there is alot of them." I say crossing my arms.
"That's what alcohol is for." He says nonchalant.
"Cameron!!! I'm not drinking were underage!" I scold.
"Come onnnnnn. Jade. Pleaseeeeee," he says putting out his lower lip.
"Fine," I say grabbing his lower lip with my thumb and pointer finger and pulling it down.
"OOWWWW!" Cameron yells.
"And no pouting you big Ol'baby," I say walking away.
Camerons P.O.V.

"Cameron!" I hear someone yell. I turn around quickly only to be jumped on by Jason.
"Ah, Jason." I say leaning against my locker.
"The bets still on right?" Jason says messing with his backpack straps.
"Hell yeah it is dude, we're going to a party tonight, I'm going to make sure she is totally wasted and...." I wink at the last part.
"You're sick," Jason says laughing and fist pounding me.
"Now go get ya some!!!!" Jason says running off and hitting a girls butt as he goes..
I arrive at Jade's house to pick her up. She walks outside. Not going to lie she is pretty but not my type.
"Get in loser were going shopping," I say opening the door.
"Ha ha ha," She laughs sarcastically.
"NOW LET'S GO GET TURNT!!!" I say pounding my gist in the air.
"Yeah..." She says.
"Don't be such a Debbie downer! We're gonna partayyyy." I say pulling into the parties driveway.
"This way my lady," I say opening the door and grabbing her hand. She pulls her hand away.
Damn it Jade
We walk into the party.
Jade's P.O.V
We enter the party and it reaken of Weed.
Talk about the worst place for a date
"I'm going to go get you a drink." Cameron says running off towards the kitchen.
"Hey there pretty Thang." Some dude says behind me touching my butt.
"Don't touch me you perverted bashtard," I day pushing him away.
"Aww but you look like so much fun..." He says smiling backing me into a wall.
"Get off," I say pushing him off.
"Come on sweet thang-," he says reaching his hand towards me but Cameron hits it away.
"Don't touch her just cause she is so adorable," he says pushing the guy back.
"Cam-," I start.
"Come on let's go somewhere else." He says smiling holding up a couple of beers.
"Okay," I smile.
Cameron takes me upstairs to a bedroom with a balcony. We walk out onto the balcony. I look out over the edge.
"It's been stressful hand one over," I say taking a beer from Cameron. I give it back to him.
"Can you open this?" I say.
Cameron laughs and opens the beer with his shirt.
"Thanks," I say blushing.
Cameron leans on the balcony railing.
"You know, I really do like you," Cameron says leaning in.
"Camer-," Cameron cuts me off by making out with me. He starts to push me back into the room and on to the bed.
"Cameron i can't-," I say.
Cameron starts to kiss me on my neck.
"No-o," I start leaning my neck back. As a tear rolls down my face.
"Please Jade i need this," he says
"Cameron..... please no..." I say weakly while crying. Cameron looks up at me.
He launches off me with his hands in the air.
"I'm.... I'm sorry Jade," he says running downstairs.
"Cameron wait!" I say fixing my dress and rushing downstairs.
I run out the front door to see Cameron pulling out of the driveway.
"Damn you Cameron."

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