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Jade's P.O.V
"Cam hurry up and start the car! I'm ready to go," I say turning to him, tilting my head and smiling.
"Calm down there Munchkin."
"Munchkin?" I say crossing my arms.
"Never call me that again I hate it." I say turning my head to look out the window.
"Aww but why can't I call you Munchkin?" He says starting the car.
"I'm pretty sure I just told you why." I say cringing at the sound of the word.
"Fine I'll work on the nicknames." He says rolling his eyes.
"Where are we going?" I ask curiously.
"You? Probably to hell," he says with a straight face.
"Can that was mean," I say crossing my arms and leaning down into my seat. He just laughs.

We arrive at the resturant.
"Oh yay! I was starting to get the munchies!" I say grabbing his arm and hugging it.
"Come on let's go," he says grabbing my hand and interlacing our fingers.
We walk in and are looking around for a place to sit. I was looking around when Cameron yanked his hand away from mine and stepped farther away from me.
"Whats wrong?" I ask looking at him. But he acts like I'm not there.
"Go find a place to sit," I'll be over in a bit. He says walking away with a straight face I follow to where he sits down and now it all makes since. He does his 'bro' hand shake with Jason!?. Their over there talking about something cause they keep looking over to the place where I sit.

Camerons P.O.V

We walk in the resturant I look around and I see Jason shit. Is all I could think. I looked down at my hands and realized I was holding Jade's I quickly yank it away and step farther away from her. Sorry Jade they can't know I might have feelings for you. "Go find a place to sit," is all I tell her to do before I head over Jason's table.
"Hey dude," I say giving him the cliché man greeting.
"Dude!" He says patting the seat next to him. "Come sit."
"I'll see you're here with. What's her name again?" He asks.
"Jade..." I say in a whisper.
"Oh right! So how are things going with you know.. the bet." He whispers the last part.
"Fine." I say looking down.
"Have you 2 done it yet?" He asks slinging his arm over me.
"No," I say looking down.
"Well I guess we could start know on the heart break part adds character," he says.
I look up at him quickly.
"You're gonna stay over here and eat lunch with us. Making her heart ache will make her yearn you more." He says.
"But..." I say.
"But?" He asks confused.
"Nothing," I say. Looking over at her while she is flipping through the menu.
I'm so sorry Jade.
Everyone finishes eating. I quickly stand up.
"Thanks for having me eat with you guys it was a real pleasure. But I really need to get going now," I say turning around and looking at Jade's table. Shit she's already gone.
"I have to go bye now," I say running out the doors. As soon as I run out I see Jade sitting on a bench outside the doors.
I walk over to her. She looks up at me. I reach out my hand to help her up. She looks away and stands up without taking a hold of my hand.
"Take me home." She says walking towards the parking lot.
"The date isn't over yet," I say grabbing her arm.
"Yes it is, take me home," She says yanking her arm away from me.
"Jade I'm so sorry we just got caught up in talking." I say scratching the back of my neck.
"OHHHHH CAMERON!!" I hear a familiar voice yell.
"Oh hell," I say rolling my eyes and turning around slowly.
"Hey vanessa-," I was cut off by her lips on mine my eyes open wide and I look over at Jade. She's just smiling. Jade is scary when she is smiling.
Vanessa climbs off me.
Jade takes two huge steps towards her still smiling.
"Hi there Vanessa," She says waving her hand then curling it into a fist and punching her for she falls to the ground.
"Cameron were leaving," she says grabbing my hand and walking away.
We get in the car. And Cameron starts driving home.
"Hey listen-" I start.
"That was her wasn't it," She says looking down. With her fingers interlocked with her own gently sitting in her lap.
"Uh I don't think I understand what your saying," I say glancing at her then back at the road.
"It was her. She was your first everything." She says looking at me.
"Oh." I say turning all my attention to the sound of her voice. She was right she was my first everything she was my first kiss my first time. Vanessa was my first.
"Cameron take me to your house."
"What why. Thought you wanted to go home." I say confused I look at her and I swear to God she was giving me the meanest look I saw the devil for a moment.
"Yes mam'."
We arrive to my house and we get up on the porch.
"Cameron..." She says. I turn around then next thing I know my backs against my front door and Jade's lips are on mine. Our lips part while we both struggle for breath.
"I love you, that's why I get jealous and mean, it's how I show my love." She says looking up at me teary eyed.
"Cameron I want to do it, if that's the only way you know who to love. Cameron i want all your love I want to be your one and only," Jade says grabbing onto my shirt and wadding it up into her tiny hands. I grab both her hands and lift them away from my shirt.
"Hey don't cry, this is supposed to be a happy moment. After all you did just admit your love to me," I say dropping one of her arms and wiping her tears away. I quickly flip us around so she is against the front door.
"But there is one thing you should know about me." She looks up at me with her glossed over eyes.
"You know I like to be in command," I smirk. I then slowly connect our lips together again.
I open the door to the house. And we both stumble in. I quickly grab her hand and practically drag her behind me up the stairs. I shut my door quickly and lock it. I walk over to her and push her down on my bed. I start to kiss her and down her neck I get to the hem if her shirt and I lift it up. Her hand comes up to the buttons of my shirt and she tries unbuttoning it but she is shaking to badly.
"I'm sorry," She says getting frustrated. I grab her trembling hand.
"Don't be scared," I say interlacing our fingers toghter and kissing her knuckles.
"I'll take care of you," I say smiling and laying her back down against my bed.

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