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Camerons P.O.V

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I look over to my left and see Jade. She's sleeping still her brown hair has a couple strands laying in front of her face her lips parted slightly. I laugh slightly she looks so peaceful. I take my hand and move her brown hair in front of her face to behind her ear. Her eyes flutter open. I smile at her. She furrows her eyebrows and slaps her hand over my face.
"Let me sleep," She says rolling over for she is facing away from me.
"You're still such a grouch in the morning," I say snuggling up behind her back and resting my head on her shoulder.
"And you're still annoying to me," She says letting out a sigh of air. And sitting up.
"I better go home," She says trying to get out of bed.
"No!" I say grabbing her waist and hugging it i rest my head on the groove of her back.
She puts her hand on mine.
"I have to," She says pulling away from me with all her might. I turn over on my back I watch as she slides her pants on. I watch her very carefully as she walks over to me.
"I'm leaving," she says kissing me.
"Okay..." I say pouting out my lip.
"I love you!" I quickly say before she leaves. She looks at me and smiles then walks out the door.
Guess I should get around to. I say to myself. I start getting up I put on some sweat pants and get up. Right as I stand I receive a call.
"YOU DID IT DIDN'T YOU!" Someone yells through the phone. I launch the phone away from my ear while my phone is away I look at the caller ID.
"Jason." I whisper.
"Jason stop yelling," I say taking the hand that isn't holding the phone and rubbing my eyes.
"How did you find out," I say tiredly.
"Just say her leave your house. Speaking of which open your door I'm here." Jason says as he hangs up.
"UGHHH!" I sigh I get up and answer the door.
"Hey Jason," I say opening the door.
"Nice abs dude," he says patting them.
"We need to talk about the bet." He says walking into my living room and collapsing on my living room couch.
"Yeah we do," I say walking over.
"It's off," I say looking him dead in the eye.
"Whaaaaa!? Cammmm you can't do that!" Jason says flinging his head back.
"Oh really why?" I say.
"You just can't! Break her heart," he says.
"Why do you want me to break her heart so bad!?" I say standing up.
"Because I love her." He says looking down.
"Whut." I say flatly.
"I love her. I wanted you to break her heart for I could have her!" He says looking up.
"Jason..." I say sitting down.
"Break her heart Cameron! Please." He says looking at me.
"I can't do that," I say. "Because I love her too," I say smirking. Jason just laughs.
"And right now Jase, I'm winning for I have already slept with her." I smirk.
"You might have her now Cameron but we have a past. See Cameron I've already had her before. And I will get her back," Jason says standing up and walking towards the door. He opens the door.
"Whoever wins gets to keep her. Deal?" Jason says sticking his hand out. I grab it and we both squeeze eachother hands.
"Deal." I say.
1 hour later.
I call Jade.
            One the phone:

"Hey Jade want to hang out!?" I say excited.
"Sorry Cam I can't." She says.
"Awww but whyyy," I complain into the phone.
"I'm catching up with and old friend right now." She says
"HEY CAM!" I hear a familiar voice yell.
"Is that..." I start.
"Jason put a sock in it!" She yells.
"Sorry Cam I got to go. Our food arrived." She says hanging up.
           End of call;

I'm going to kill him I say clenching my phone and throwing it on the bed. Okay Jason want to play dirty? Then we can play dirty.
"Jason, Jade!" I say bursting through the front doors of a resturant.
"Cam?" How did you find us.
"Uhhh," I might have went into ever resturant in the area.
"Doesn't matter! Look my two Besties toghter! What a rare occasion I say kissing jade's cheek. And while I kiss her cheek I shoot my eyes towards Jason.
"Mind if join you?" I say pulling out a chair next to Jason.
"No." I hear Jade say.
"Yes." Jason says.
"Good" I sit next to Jason and step on his foot.
"Evil move," I say in his ear.
"Evil reaction," he says glaring at me.
"Let's go somewhere else," She says standing up. Me and Jason stand up quickly.
"Where do you want to go Jae?" Jason asks her.
"The park." She says walking off me and Jason walk on both sides of her. I see Jason getting to close to her. I shove him over.
"What do you think you're doing!" I say.
"Walking is what I'm doing." He smirks.
Jade just watches us.
"Stay away from her." I growl.
"Cameron." Jade says.
"Don't go near her." I say getting good angrier.
"Cameron." Jade says again.
"Jade is mine mine!" I yell.
"CAMERON." Jade yells.
I snap my head towards her.
"Go home." She says looking down.
"But Jade Jason...." I start.
"Go," She says. I drop Jason's shirt I was holding on to. I give him one last glare and walk away.
Jade's P.O.V

"Sorry Jason," I say.
"It's fine," he says.
"It's not fine," I say.
"I'm so sorry he got all up in your face," I say turning and looking at him.
"It's fine it was worth it cause now I get to spend some alone time with you!!!" He says smiling brightly. I giggle.
"Silly boy," I say ruffling his blonde hair.
He smiles at me.
"Come on let's go for a lil walk," I say walking away. He runs to catch up with me.
Sorry this sucks. But I needed and update. But I bet you didn't expect that plot twist 😂

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