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" Guys Hurry up we're almost there!" Yato, jumped up and down frantically, his arm waving around as he happily pointed to the gate that lead to the carnival that had just been set up in their local area. Yukine and Hiyori had declined his offer when he asked to go with them, but after several fits and a lot of tears the two finally gave in.

The line for tickets was small, concidering how many people seemed to be there. They each bought a good amount of tickets for the three of them, and walked into the giant crowded area of the carnival. " Let's go on them all!" Yato excitedly cheered as he started taking off towards the nearest ride, which happened to be some kind of swing ride.

Yukine gave Hiyori a regretful look and started dragging his feet in the direction that Yato went. The God was already behind the fence that surrounded the ride and looking for a section of seats that the three of them could sit in. The other two gave the operator their tickets and made their way over to the God who was trying to figure out how the contraption worked. The operator eventually made his trip around the ride to help anyone who couldn't figure out the safety belts on the seats.

The ride started shortly after he made it back to his control booth. The seats lifted into the air and started spinning around the giant arm in the center, getting higher and higher and faster and faster. Yato raised his arms in the air and let out a yell of pure joy while he looked down at all the other rides. You could see the whole carnival from up there. " This is pretty cool." Yukine agreed as he had never been on a ride like this.

The three spent hours running from each ride as they made their way around the entire carnival and eventually it became time to leave. Yato was reluctant to leave but eventually they were able to pull the whining God towards the entrance.

" Come on Yato we've been on every ride. Not to mention we ran out of tickets and money." Hiyori said as she pulled on his arm so they could get going. Just as they were walking through the entrance there was a loud shrieking sound that came from the Ferris wheel. The three spun around to see the machine had stopped and all the lights were off. A huge Phantom stood next to it. " And to think we'd get to have one peaceful night." Yato sighed suddenly serious and no longer whining about having to leave.

The phantom was a pretty big size, and looked like a cross between a green alligator and a pink rhinoceros, with big beaty red eyes. " Way to ruin a night." Mumbled the blonde before he was transformed into his regalia form. " Let's get this over with so the kids can get back to having fun!" Yato said as he charged back through the gates and into the carnival.


I just wanted to say Thank you all so much for almost 6k Reads! I haven't updated in a year because I started High school and I completely ignored wattpad so I could focus on my studies, but I'm back now and hopefully I can start up writing again. If you have any suggestions please feel free to comment or send me a message, and this year I've been trying to gather ideas for a new book ( not going to be related to any anime) so look out for that if I can ever figure out what I want to do.  >~<

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