You Wake Up

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You wake up that morning neither sad nor happy.
Neither mad nor peaceful.
Instead you wake up.
You're scared and ashamed that you are.
You are afraid not of what will happen
But what could happen.
You know that others have it worse,
That you have no right to dread the day.
Yet you wake up.
And every possible scenario runs through your mind
Because you're afraid to face the day.
Your chest grows tight,
You loose the will to fight.
You haven't even left the house yet
But you know.
You know what's out there.
You start to get dressed
And stop in your tracks.
Even that causes you to shake.
Remember when you-?
It doesn't matter what you did
But it was regrettable.
You climb back into bed
And pick up your phone
To cancel plans
In order to stay home

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