Night Light

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I used to be terrified to look in mirrors at night
I was afraid of see Bloody Mary reaching for me
I'd run in and out of the bathroom trying not to glance up
Afraid to turn out the light

I always knew Bloody Mary wasn't real
That she was someone of the past that had no power over me
I knew that despite my fears
It was okay to turn out the light

When I was just a child
Still running from night time mirrors
Scared of people long gone
You taught me a lesson

That it was not the people living in other realms
Sneaking in and out through mirrors
Teasing and taunting your imagination
That should keep you from turning out lights

I was just a child when I learned the things that we leave in the dark
The things we tuck in next to us when we go to sleep
The things we pray never wake up
When the lights come back on

And here I am
At 2AM
Still avoiding mirrors
Still leaving on lights
Still jumping at every tick of the clock

I am waiting for you to just do it
To sign me off into oblivion
I am counting my blessings and praying my prayers
Preparing myself for Mary to return
To revel herself to me
Through the reflective bullet of your gun
And remind me
The lights

They're just safer on

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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