~Yui's POV~I sit by the window, looking out over the school grounds. Back when I was a little kid, I'd always dream of being able to go to school there, and having lots of friends, perhaps even a boyfriend. All I want is to be able to get up in the morning, and go to school like everyone else. That was back when there was still a chance my condition would improve. But now, I spend my life in my bed. Which is where I will be for the rest of my life.
As the other kids start to stream out of the school building, I watch for the boy with blue hair. I love to watch him; he's always so full of energy, and kind to everyone. He seems like the kind of guy who's really popular. At least, that's how I imagine him. As I catch sight of him, I see two others with him; a white haired girl and a guy with orange coloured hair, who I think is his best friend. They head over to the baseball pitch, where the orange hair guy and blue hair proceed to throw a ball about. The white hair girl just watches them. I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy. It's so easy for them, they don't understand what they have. It's so infuriating, being so close to them, but always being too far.~Hinata's POV~
At lunch, I basically interrogate Otonashi. He explains how he met Kanade, while Kanade herself sits quietly next to us, listening. I feel kinda bad for her. I don't know her, but I've seen her around, and she doesn't seem to have any friends at all. She's always on her own, even at lunch. I wonder why she never made any friends, after such a long time. "Can I eat now?" Otonashi grumbled. "I'm starving here..." Typical Otonashi, always grumbling about his stomach. He and I both have our own lunches, but Kanade has to go up to get her food from the canteen. "Hurry up!" I yelled. "I'm really hungry now!" Otonashi gives me a look. "What?" I say. He just rolls his eyes at me. Kanade returns carrying her tray. As she gets closer however, I see that she's ordered the dreaded mapo tofu. How does she not know about the mapo tofu?! "Kanade!" I hear Otonashi squeak. "You can't eat that! It's the spiciest thing on the entire menu! No one can eat it!" Kanade just looks at us with surprised eyes. "But I like mapo tofu. I usually eat it here." Me and Otonashi go silent. As we start to eat, our eyes stay glued on Kanade, as we watch her take another mouthful of mapo tofu. And~
"HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD?!" Otonashi yelled. "ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN?!" The dining hall turns to look at us, looking to see what all the fuss is about.
Kanade just looks at us again. "It's not actually that spicy", she says calmly. With that, she continues to eat, like it was nothing.
I have a new respect for Kanade.~Otonashi's POV~
After the whole mapo tofu thing, we went back to lessons and listened to Miss Hideyoshi drone on about history, and how great it is. As if it wasn't boring enough, I'm starting to regret being seated next to Hinata already. Once he heard about us running into each other {literally} and after seeing me carry Kanade out in math, he keeps on writing me notes saying that he ships me and Kanade. I even caught him writing a list of ship names for us in his math book. They were pretty awful as well.
I could go on. At one point, he even tried passing Kanade the list. It was a very close call, but before I knew it, it was the end of the day. As the last school bell went off, the three of us all hurried out of English lit. and into the corridor. As we all just sort of stood there awkwardly, Hinata coughed and said:
"Well, now what?"
More awkward silence followed.
"We could always just go out and play baseball", I muttered to the ground.
Surprisingly, it was Kanade who replied. "Sure, why not?" She said. "It's not like I need to be anywhere else."And this is the story of how we broke a girls bedroom window with a baseball.
By the time we reached the baseball pitch, things had become a lot less awkward, and we were having a conversation about (unsurprisingly) mapo tofu.
"Seriously though Kanade, how'd you eat that?! It's like eating raw chillis I heard!"
Well, when I say "we" were having a conversation, I mean Hinata was interrogating Kanade.
"Mmm" Kanade said, obviously regretting eating the mapo tofu in the first place. Before Hinata could say any more, I interjected:
"So Kanade, have you ever played baseball before?" It was kind of a stupid question: everyone at this school has played baseball at some point. But surprisingly, Kanade shook her head.
"No, I haven't. I usually don't play sports."
Huh. Guess it wasn't such a stupid question then.
"So do you want to sit out for a bit and watch to see how you play?" Asked Hinata. "I mean no offense, but if you've never played you won't be any good."
"Hinata!" I whispered. "You can't just say that!"
Kanade, however, didn't seem offended. "Yeah, of course. Maybe I could try later?"
"Sure you can", I said, relieved that she was ok with it. So while Kanade went to sit on the benches, Hinata and I went onto the pitch.~Hinata's POV~
As there were only 2 of us playing, we decided that we would just take turns pitching and batting. Otonashi says he needs to improve his pitching, so I batted first.
A mistake.
The first few of Otonashi's pitches were pretty good, but I could see that he was distracted. He kept glancing over at Kanade. They would make a super cute couple, but right now I just wish that Otonashi would focus.
Otonashi was obviously distracted, so when he pitched this time round, it was pretty off, and was way too curved for even me to hit properly. I probably shouldn't have tried to hit it, but I did.
And when I did, it went through a window.
Oops."What did you do?!" Otonashi yelled across the pitch.
"Me?! Your pitch was totally off!"
"Then why did you hit it?!"
"Well one of you needs to go get it,and apologise." Kanade stated, walking onto the pitch.
She's right.
"Fine. I'll go." I said, already walking towards the house who's window I -we- smashed.
As I arrived at the house, I could see this mashed window,but the weird thing was that I couldn't hear any noise from inside.
I knocked, and waited. The house itself was pretty nice, and overlooked the school grounds.
No one came to the door,and I knocked again. Still no answer, so instead I tried the door. Perhaps they just couldn't hear me? Surprisingly it was unlocked, so I went in.
"Hello? Is anyone in?"
And then came the reply:
"Mom? Is that you?" The voice came from upstairs. "Someone's ball came through the window, and there's glass on the floor..."
"Yeah, about that.... That's my baseball up there. Should I come and get it?~Yui's POV~
I had seen the blue haired boy and his friends on the baseball pitch, so when that ball came through my window... I think... I think it's him. Blue haired boy.
I sorry it took me so long to update, I will try and be quicker next time! I think there'll be some Yui X Hinata in the next update....
Thankyou 。◕‿◕。

Angel Beats~ After SSS
Fanfiction~Konnichiwa minna! In this story, all the characters are reborn into the world once again. However, none of them have their memories from their past lives or the afterlife. Hope you enjoy! =^~^= I will post the next part soon, sorry it's taking...