Dancing with death

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We arrived.
Today's the day I die.
I refused to get out of the car, my mom opened the door and unbuckled my seat belt "you're almost sixteen! You can't be like this", I still refused, she snatched my hands and started pulling, I spread my legs and pushed, fighting as if a pack of wild... Sharks were after me. She let go, I think I'm safe.. Boy, was I wrong. She placed her arms around me and started pulling. "NO DONT LET THEM TAKE ME!" I cried out as I scrubbed around, searching for anything to hold onto, which conveniently, was the compartment in between the driver and passenger seat.
Mom suddenly found my weak spot... she tasered me, I gasped and let go of the compartment "c'mon mom! That's so last year!" She carried me into the dentist office while I was struggling for freedom. No one was there, only a few employees but that's it. Mom set me down on the chair and walked over to the desk lady.
I decided at that moment I should make a run for it... I bolted for the automatic door, but it didn't open. I face planted into the glass and fell on my butt. Darn.
Mom didn't seem to notice my fail plan to escape so I slumped back into my chair, hoping to blend in...sadly... it didn't work. "Peter, Dr. Dolor will see you know" the desk assistant said, my hands immediately gripped the armrests, I was paralyzed. Mom tried to pull me out but I stood my ground, the desk lady stood up and I swear I could see her image flicker to a demon lady with glowing red eyes and sharp teeth. I yelped and shot up. GOD DANG IT! The lady pushed me through the door, I gulped.
Is there a reason why these walls are made of steel? I thought, the dim light that the dentist use to see in your mouth was the only light that shone. Suddenly a short Hispanic man walked in from the steel door across from me. He looked somewhat familiar... no way! It's the same guy from like... ten years ago! But he was like eighty... He should be dead!
"Hello Peter, so nice to see you again" he greeted coldly "why don't you have a s-seat?" His voice glitched for a moment "..." I hesitated but sat down, there's no way I'm getting out of this now. He gripped my shoulders and laid me down on the chair. He pressed a button which brought him higher, and another button that strapped me to my seat. My heart was racing so hard and loudly that I was sure all of NYC could hear. Snap! Huh? Snap! I glanced over and my eyes bulged, those gloves.. Had red stains on the tips, blood red stains. I screamed, I mean, what else could I do? Struggling against the strap I screamed louder until it sounded more like a screech. He looked over and glared, mouth open. His eyes turned black, and dark slime fell in drops from his canines, dropping onto his chapped lips. Looking down at the gloves, they were torn at the top, large claws sticking out. I nearly fainted. Nearly.
I heard the buzzing of a drill the noise got closer and closer.

The pain was unimaginable, it felt like repeatedly getting stabbed with a needle... filled with everything sharp... filled with acid... After what seemed like hours of pain and screaming, Dr. Dopto -whateverhisnameis- put the tool down, I could taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth, a large quantity dripping down my parched throat, the blood gathering in groups, making my air supply fade. When I opened my eyes the demonic figure of the mini Hispanic man was still there, he grinned-the image reminding me of Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland-as he pulled out a needle. No, not the kind of needle that you use to inject people when they're sick, no, this was a sewing needle.
He intertwined a thick thread inside the needle "now h-hold st-till, this w-w-won't hurt a bi-i-it" his voice glitched again, as he closed my lips and started poking around the sensitive skin surrounding them.

I didn't even have time to make a sound before my heart stopped beating.

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