The Beginning

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Narrative POV

And they were off. There was a big annocment "festival" that all Hawaiians and visitors in the area were required to go to.
"Great. Our vacation has to be ruined by some damn annoucment. I needed this to lay off not have even more stress."
Jewel seemed to be pissed. It looked like Nathaniel knew why.
"Kaycey! Sweetie there will probably be kids there your age but don't talk to anyone Ok?"
As soon as Josh said that, Jewel got a sad look on her face and said words that made her sprint away seconds later.
"Uhmm... Excuse me for a second."
As Jewel ran away, Nathaniel left after her with no explanation. The group then saw from a distance (yes they were spying) Jewel crying into Nathaniel's chest. She was mubling something that no one but Nathaniel could hear. As Jewel got herself together, she wiped her previous eye makeup off and re-did it as Nathaniel informed the group (who were acting totally casual) that Jewel just ate some bad food and was throwing up. They knew he was lying but went along with it. All were questioning what was wrong with Jewel but who do they ask? Only one other person knew. Nathaniel.

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