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"How did these scars open after 12 years of healing?!"
Kate yelled.

"How should I know?! Maybe witchcraft? You know another witch that doesnt like Jewel?"
Rin panicked.

"Whats important is that we get her to the hospital!"
Olive yelled shutting the whole group up. Nathaniel took Jewel, bridal style, and ran to the car.

"Cmon Jewel."
Nathaniel whispered. He begun to shed a few tears.

"I cant loose you again.."

~|Le Time Skip To Hospital|~

Upon placed on a new bed after reciving stitches, Jewel's arm fell off the side of the bed, palm facing up. Nathaniel held that hand, weakly crying.

All of a sudden, Nathaniel felt pressure on his hand. Jewel was holding his hand back. As she weakly opened her eyes, Nathaniel hugged her tight.

Jewel then whispered weakly.

"They've found us..."

Secret Witches - Escape To SalemWhere stories live. Discover now