Questioning Time

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The group had a plan. Get all the possible details out of Nath as possible. But Nathaniel wouldn't budge. He kept saying that Jewel just wasn't feeling the best lately but that's it. He had a sad look on his face the more they asked him. As Nathaniel's eyes were starting to water, he finally spoke up.
"Can you guys just stop!? This is private and not for everyone to know okay!?"
The group was shocked. Kaycey begun to cry. Jewel walked up to Kaycey and told her everything was okay and that Nathaniel didn't mean it. Kaycey stopped crying (which Jewel later realized were fake tears) and whispered into Jewels' ear.
"I know what happened and I'm so sorry."
Jewel was shocked. How can a little 5 year old girl know such sensitive information?
"Promise not to tell anyone okay Kace?"
"I promise. You know I've been having visions of the past and saw what happened. I hope you'll try again and succeed. I love you aunt jewel."
"I love you too Kaycey and thank you... As soon as I get over this I'll try."
Jewel's secret was terribly derpressing and no one knew why. One month before the vacation, Jewel got pregnant. A few days ago, right as they were about to leave for Hawaii.... She had a misscarrige.

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