Chiron Pov

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I never knew Percy could control ice ,a power no demigod of Poseidon has possess it but no hero had passed the age of 20 like Percy so not much known about other abilities.

I have once came across this situation where gods said to have entertainment,so I knew exactly what to do.

"As everyone is aware what the gods said,we need to prepare a show for tomorrow ,as not much was planned for the tomorrow"I said

Annabeth raised her hand ,"Yes Annabeth ?"I asked her

"Which order is it Chiron ,Parentage or Random ?"She asked

"It is random and everyone who wants to sing ,write your names in this list and everyone line up"Saying that every demigod came and I saw the seven present too.

After everyone wrote" The seven is doing a song,all older demigods a song about the war,Aphrodite cabin a song about romance,all girls a song,all boys a song and more songs as a surprise"I announced

The parents wondered what the demigod would sing and so was I

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