Percy Pov

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We went further into the cave and also made some bags made out of seaweed to carry some supplies in case of a sea monster lurking in the caves.We thought if it was just a nice spacious cave,we could keep our stuff we want to keep hidden in here and I can block the entrance by growing seaweed and other plants to keep it hidden.

But when we entered the cave,instead of a small cave ,we found a huge one.When the light from my sword came near the walls,I saw them shine.

Annabeth said,"How can underwater caves,shine,they don't shine unless they are stones,WAIT, stones?"

She took a seaweed and wiped the stone and when the light of my sword hit,it became clear what it was except,that what Annabeth thought,I guess.

"Percy could you take this stone out,and burst some fresh water from it,please"She asked me with pleading grey eyes look.

"Of course ,I will and no need to plead,I would do it anyway for you."After saying that I made the water to push out the stone and I cleaned it,after that we both gasped"It is a mineral"I said."And one of the beautiful ones also"She added

I used my powers to pick few big ones and from my bag I took an oxygen giving plant weed,"What are you doing Percy?"Annabeth asked me,and as I did not want to ruin my idea I said"What and see".I took the weed and made it strips and with a grim like plant I found,I used my powers to create high pressure to the stones and break them into small pieces and I joined it with the strip of plant with the gum and created one of my first masterpiece,a jeweled headband and I made it in a pattern of an owl in the middle and some olive leaves going both sideways from the headband .

I presented my masterpiece to the world's smartest and beautiful girl,Annabeth .She was really surprised and then she said"It is beautiful Percy,I never had a headband before when I was seven".I knew she had a tough time so I said"I will swear on my mom's blue cookies,that I will make this week the best week you ever had ,that you never had when you were seven before" .

She smiled and suddenly said"I have an Idea ,why don't we make like this for your mom,we can make a necklace for her",that was great Idea then I had a better Idea"Why don't we make these necklaces for mine and yours mom's ,i meant,My mom, your step mom Helen ,your mom Lady Athena and my step mom Lady Amphitrite"."That is a great idea,we can send through Lord Hermes to our godly mom/step mom and I will help with the designing"she said."OK so let us get started"I replied with excitement.

I had leftover stones after making Annabeth 's headband,so while Annabeth took some seaweed and started drawing designs with Riptide ,I readied the materials.Then after Annabeth drew a design ,I made it,and we repeated the process."Why don't we make earrings also,to match with the necklaces?"I asked."That is not a bad idea"Annabeth said.

We decided to make boxes,So Annabeth used her skills and made 4 boxes and we placed the necklace and earring in them.

We decided to make boxes,So Annabeth used her skills and made 4 boxes and we placed the necklace and earring in them

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This was the Necklace for Lady Amphitrite and we made matching Earrings for her.{It is grand because she is the queen of the Sea}

{I created this design myself by copy pasting the designs}     

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{I created this design myself by copy pasting the designs}     

As Lady Athena likes Simple but Elegant   ,We created this design for Her.

As Lady Athena likes Simple but Elegant   ,We created this design for Her

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This Design is for my mom,we created earrings for this also.

Even Though Annbeth did not want to make a necklace for Helen ,I said it might help with her relationship with her and she might not be rude to her often

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Even Though Annbeth did not want to make a necklace for Helen ,I said it might help with her relationship with her and she might not be rude to her often.We made matching earrings for this also.

We packed the necklaces and earrings in a set and we put it in our bags,Also I used one color for each design of the box to identify,whose gift is whose.

We also collected the leftover material so that no one gets hurt and we could use them later,If necessary.

We went back to the surface and we found out it was night time,it was a good thing we ate some emergency food I kept under the lake in case I get Hungry ,so we went back to our cabins to sleep with our precious Gifts for our Mothers.

Percy Jackson-Mortal Family WeekWhere stories live. Discover now