Vietnam's Deal Part 2 + Vietnam Meets the Nordics

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Vietnam looked towards the door where America stood with his hands on his hip, giving an eye closing smile. The room went quite and there was an awkward silence. America, still standing in his spot, gave a smirk,"Ha ha. You're all so speechless of how heroic I am right now."

Hong Kong rolled his eyes and turned away from the sight of America and his big ego. Vietnam, on the other hand, smiled and waved at America,"Hey, why don't you come and-" America plopped in a chair next to Vietnam and wrapped his arm around her,"Hello, Viet."

Hong Kong, irritated, turned to look at Korea who was trying to balance a pencil on his nose for some reason. Thailand was walking towards them and set a chair between America and Vietnam,"Hi, sweetie. Missed me ana?" Vietnam glared at him and flicked his forehead,"Don't need to be so rude."

"But I got the right to do so until you win the deal... Unless you forfeit ana..." 

Vietnam flicked Thailand's forehead again,"I'm not going to forfeit, okay?"

"Forfeit what?" America interrupted with his elbow on his desk and his hand on his chin.

Vietnam stared at America and grinned,"That is none of your busine-" "Vietnam has to get someone to ask her to England's ball and until then I get to treat her like a little girl ana." 

"Shut up!" Vietnam flicked Thailand's forehead once again. She stood up, and dragged her chair between Korea and Hong Kong.Thailand sneered and tugged on Vietnam's kimono,"Hey, did Taiwan make you wear that? I couldn't recognise you at first but your cuteness broke through and I figured it was you ana."

"Stop with the cheesy lines. You're acting like France." Vietnam stuck her tongue out at Thailand and sat down. America glanced at Thailand and gave his back a pat,"Dude, you got served. Ha ha." Thailand threw America a cold look.

"Hey. Korea, Hong Kong, you don't mind if I sit here, right?"

"Of coarse not." Korea smiled and dropped his pencil on the ground,"So where's Taiwan?"

"I saw her get carried away by some person..." Hong Kong layed his chin on his desk, fiddling with a pen. Korea snatched the pen away and started to balance that on his nose instead. Vietnam gave Korea a little push. The pen dropped to the ground and was picked up by Japan,"This is yours?"

"Yeah, thank you. Oh yeah, you still owe me lunch from our bet."

Vietnam, confused, stared up at Japan and nudged Korea,"Who is that?" 

"Oh, that's right. You didn't get to meet Japan back in Asia." Korea brought his finger up and started to tap his chin,"You were sick on the day when we were going to visit Japan. Oh well." Korea continued to balance the pen on his nose.

Vietnam turned to Japan and shook his hand,"Nice to meet you then. I'm Vietnam." 

"Konnichiwa, Vietnam." Japan bowed his head towards Vietnam and turned to take a seat next next to Korea. Thailand and America started bickering about some stupid stuff which irritated Hong Kong. He took Korea's pen and threw it at the two.

"Hey! What was that for ana?!" 

"Dude, that totally missed me, yo. Ha ha ha!" America was pointing his finger at Thailand, laughing his butt off. Hong Kong, annoyed, grabbed Korea by the ear and threw him at America who both tumbled over. Thailand was surprised and Vietnam was shocked. Japan just sat in his seat with an ashamed face wiped on his face.

"America! Are you okay." Vietnam shot up from her seat and bent down towards America who pulled her to him and hugged her,"I'm better now." Vietnam tried to push herself away, Korea was knocked out and wasn't able to help but Thailand of coarse stood up, angered, pulled Vietnam away and purposely stepped on America's hand.

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