Extra Chapter: The Walls In Between

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Ruby was walking through the halls of Beacon with large headsets over her ears. She spotted Weiss turning around the corner believing she was heading to class. As for Ruby, she had just finished hers. She decided to go back to their dorm.

Upon making it to her dorm, she saw that it was empty. She guessed that everyone were still in class so she decided to take a nap. She threw her book bag to the floor and approached her desk since that was the closest thing to her. Yawning and kicking, she made herself comfortable, except she didn't bother to change her clothes, or remove her headphones, she was just too tired. She happened to have fallen asleep on her chair with her headphones still on her head. She slept for about an hour, usually her naps would go on to two hours, but she had awoken to pillow thrown at her face by none other than Weiss herself.

Ruby looked up at Weiss then shook her head slowly and asked, "Why?" more so to herself than Weiss, but Weiss heard her.

"Why, you ask? Because you shouldn't be slacking off by sleeping. You should be studying, you dolt. This is why you're not worthy to lead." Weiss' tone was harsh and Ruby just straightened herself upwards on the seat and looked straight into Weiss' cold stare. Ruby's eyes were hooded and dull and Weiss felt guilty for sounding so rude. She tried to change her tone after meeting Ruby's gaze.

"I mean, you should be studying so that... You don't fall behind..." Weiss now concerned had hoped her now softer tone made up for her lack of kindness, but to no avail.

Ruby just turned away from her without a word. She was to distrupt from the dream she just had. It had been about her first day at Beacon and her time with Weiss in Emerald Forest. Her dream was making her relive the events where Weiss would scold her and how she can only dream to be perfect. Ruby just felt numb, she was tired of having these sorts of dreams and for the fact that nothing between her and her partner was changing. She decided to get up and head out the door grabbing an object from her drawer buriing it in her hand and shoving it quickly down her pocket.

"Ruby, where are you going?" Weiss quickly turned to her and as Ruby got closer to her and the doorway, Weiss was able to recognize the song playing through Ruby's headphones.

"Don't worry about it, not that you ever really will." Ruby had her head hung low avoiding to meet Weiss' eyes again. Before leaving the room she softly whispered goodnight to the heiress.

[Weiss' POV]

I don't understand, why can't I just let Ruby know the feelings that's stirring inside of me, that something's changing? It just feels like something is blocking that courage.

She didn't want to be alone, but all she kept doing to Ruby is push her out while she was just trying to let her in.

[Ruby's POV, rooftop]

Ruby lifted up the sleeves on her right arm and began slicing at them feeling the blood slowly drip on her arm hitting the floor. She couldn't even feel the pain anymore. She wept silently only hearing the music that was still blaring through her headsets.

"All my life, I tried letting you inside,
See the world through my eyes,
And all I see (is time I've wasted)"

Ruby had put her little pocket knife away and just starred at her new wounds.

Why she asked herself? Why is that I'm so strong, but so weak inside? Are these feelings worth the hide? Tearing up at the sight of a pair of blue eyes, so mesmerizing so beautiful, but my heart begins to cry, knowing they won't return warmth.

[Weiss' POV]

She sang to herself, the lyrics that was playing through Ruby's headphones. Weiss listened to whatever genre, but upon meeting Ruby she indulged herself more with rock and heavy metal. She recognized what Ruby had been listening to was Perspective by Hands Like Houses off their latest album, Dissonants.

"I'll make amends, I'll make believe, I'll make my mind, I'll make you see, I'll take a chance, I'll take a moment..."

She was lost with herself, she had feelings for Ruby, she felt knew it, but just didn't want to believe it, but she promised herself she would confess it all to her once she was sure of them.

Everything I've buried inside, what would you do if they're exposed from where they hide? Everything I wish you could see that I take and hide away from me, take them from me and take me in.


*Author's note* The parts in italics here where the sentences begin to rhyme, you bet I wrote those myself! :D I'll be introducing more lyrics that I've written myself in future chapters. Sadly I'm not in a band.

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