Chapter 26: When Caged Ones Sing

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Oh can you hear me, can you hear me crying out in pain?
Anymore and I feel as if I will go insane...
There's only so much that we can take, And just how much more, how much more smiles can we fake?
No one is in this alone, but our pain and sorrows are our own.

Weiss stared at her reflection as she stood in front of the mirror to her bathroom. As she stood there, she recounted the lessons she had been taught. To strive for excellence and not perfection.

But how am I to come out clean this time if I'm just going to strive for greatness? She wondered as she refreshed her face with cold water. After she had finished all of her affairs in the bathroom, she went back into her room to pick out an outfit she felt was appropriate for the evening.

Ah, here it is, my snowpea attire. And well, this is it...

[Ruby's POV]

Her mind was clear. She awoke without any feelings of anxiety. She was relaxed even though her partner was away. She had a feeling kicking inside of her that gave her confidence that Weiss would be fine on her own. She smiled at the thought of her as she turned over her shoulder to see an empty bed.

Ruby grabbed her gig bag containing Crimson Rainfell. Her electric guitar Damien was already in the music room. As she was about to leave her dorm, her sister and Blake stopped her.

Smiling from ear to ear her sister Yang went over and took her sister in for a firm hug. "I'm so proud of you sis, this is your first show ever!"

Ruby pulled away from Yang smiling into her sister's lilac eyes. "I must say, I can't even believe it... It's really happening, right?"

"Ruby, however you choose to walk into a situation will effect the outcome. So I'd say, just go in there like it's any other day if you're feeling nervous." Blake suggests.

"How are you feeling, Rubes?" Yang asked.

"I'm... I'm fine. I feel fine. I probably wouldn't if it weren't for this feeling I've got in my gut."

"Oooh! And what's that Ruby?" Yang asked excitedly curious.

Ruby felt herself blushing, so she turned her attention away from Yang. "Uh... The feeling is that um, the feeling I have is that--"

"You're thinking about Weiss." Blake flatly stated.

Ruby turned back around. "Yes, yes I am. And I get the feeling that she'll be fine." Ruby finally said.

"If only she gets to see you tonight!" Yang says as she ruffles Ruby's hair. "But it's time you go on now sister! Blake and I will be waiting outside the door super early! And we'll be sure to let you know if we see Weiss anywhere!"

"Alright, thanks! I'll see you guys there!" Ruby called out as she out of the dorm not wanting to be late for their set up and sound check.

At Ruby's arrival, she was greeted by Velvelt. "It's nice of you to join us, Ruby." Velvet said with a smile and a wink.

Ruby returned the smile with her face going a little red. "Let's get started, shall we?"

All members of the Band of Beacon and Beacon's Symphony gathered all their musical instruments and began bringing them up into the stage. Each member helped one another set up the stage. They had a huge banner for both the music clubs. One said Beacon's Symphony which they had laid out first since they would be the opening show. Once the stage was all set up, Beacon's Symphony headed out to their choir room for one more practice before they would have to perform on about two hours.

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