OUAT Randonmess 6

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Host: This is jeopardy!!!! OUAT style. Where everything is made up, the points don't matter. We give you an awnser as a question you awnser that awnser/question with that question that match up to that awnser is just that simple. Now we meet our players!

Snow: Hi I'm Snow White nice to be here

Red: I'm Ruby

Emma: Emma

Killian: I'm just here cause Emma is oh name's Killian

Regina: I have no clue why I'm here

Belle: I'm Belle

Mr. Gold: And I'm Mr. Gold 

Host: Okay, well welcome and here are your categorizes. "Things you find in Storybrooke" "Things you don't want to see in Neverland" "Apples" "Couples" and last but not least "Fandoms". So Regina we will start with you

Regina: As you should. Well, I will take..Apples for 200 please

Red: -mutters at Belle- Figures that

Host: Okay your awnser/question is...."I am baked in an oven, I come in many diffrent flavors"


Emma: -presses button and name lights up-

Host: Yes Emma?

Emma: What is Apple pie

Host: That is correct 200 for you. You're up

Emma: Yes I will take..."Things you find in Storybrooke for 200"

Host: "I am filled with antics and treasures. Magic is in there as well as normal non-magic things"

Killian: -presses button-

Host: Yes Killian?

Killian: What is a sunken pirate ship?

Host: Nope

Belle: -presses button-

Host: Yes?

Belle: What is Mr. Gold's pawn shop?

Host: That is correct you're up Ms Belle

Belle: Yes alright, "fandoms" for 200 please

Host: "Hook and Belle"

Killian: -presses button-

Host: Yes? 

Killian: Oh, HELLE no

Audience: -laughs-

Mr. Gold: That is correct

Host: That's my job

Mr. Gold: -looks at the host- Belle is mine, she is no Helle

Killian: Why would I want her anyways? -smiles and winks at Emma-

Emma: -blushes-

Snow: I never got a turn

Regina: You never awnserd any of the questions

Snow: Oh...

Host: Well let us take a break then. We will you soon on Jepordy!

*break time*

Host: And we are....BACK! Yes yes, welcome welcome.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2013 ⏰

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