Be Alright

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Justin's POV

What I didn't want her asking me, she asked. I know it was wrong on how I was feeling, but I really couldn't help it.

Jealousy. Why?

I didn't understand how I felt and why. She was just talking to one of her guy friends. That's all. It's not like she is my girlfriend so that I have to be mad......

Justin you are going insane man.

I was home and it was around 10 at night. I walked Giselle back to her house and she seemed upset. Why? I really don't know but I assume because of me.

I looked over to my window and I see she is still up because her light is on and her window is opened. But her curtains were closed while the wind hit against it making it move forward.
My phone beeped and I quickly grab it thinking it's Giselle, but ended up being Christian.

Chris: J what happened while u were out with my sister?

I stared at the message for a while then texted back.

Me: idk Chris..

Chis: stop fucking around Justin.
It may seem like I hate her but I love her alot and won't let anyone hurt her.

Me: I'm sorry
I didn't hurt her and if I did than I actually feel terrible.

Damn.... I actually do feel terrible now.

Chis: she said that u seemed bothered.
What happened

Gonna tell him.

Me: I kinda... Got jealous ok?

Chris: of?

Me: I heard her talking to her "friend " Harry and... Idk

Chris: Justin, are you sure you like her just as a FRIEND

Me: Wdym

Chris: like instead of just her being your FRIEND would u like to add the word GIRL to FRIEND?


Me: don't kill me

Chris: what?

You are starting to notice Justin. Geez.

Me: I think I like her

For some reason, my heart started to beat fast just knowing I told Christian. I mean he may be the young brother but he can kick ass.

He hasn't replied in a few minutes. I started to get nervous. Was he writing a paragraph of something?

Chris: I knew it ;)

My eyes widen from the response.

Me: your not mad?

Chis: why would I? I think she likes u too man.

For some reason, I started to hope she did.

Me: I said think not that I actually do like her

Stop acting stupid, you know you do you idiot.

Chris: Sureeeeee

I rolled my eyes.

Me: Imma work on something, text u later bye

I thew my phone on the bed and walked over to a paino over my room. I looked at my window and opened it then walked back to my paino.

I ran my hand through the keys and looked.

I started to play I song that I wrote. It was called Be Alright. I thought it was a good time to sing it. I made sure Giselle heard it through her open window.

Across the ocean, across the sea,
Starting to forget the way you look at me now
Over the mountains, across the sky,
Need to see your face, I need to look in your eyes

Through the storm and through the clouds
Bumps on the road and upside down now
I know it's hard, babe, to sleep at night
Don't you worry
'cause everything's gonna be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight
Be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight

Through the sorrow, and the fights,
Don't you worry
'cause everything's gonna be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight
Be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight

All alone, in my room
Waiting for your phone call to come soon
And for you, oh, I would walk a thousand miles,
To be in your arms, holding my heart

Oh, I,
Oh, I,
I love you
And everything's gonna be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight
Be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight

Through the long nights
And the bright lights
Don't you worry
'cause everything's gonna be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight
Be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight

You know that I care for you
I'll always be there for you
I promise I will stay right here, yeah

I know that you want me too,
Baby we can make it through anything
'Cause everything's gonna be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight
Be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight

Through the sorrow, and the fights,
Don't you worry
'cause everything's gonna be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight
Be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight

Through the sorrow, and the fights,
Don't you worry
Everything's gonna be alright

Once I hit the last note, I hear a voice basically calling out to me.

" that was beautiful Justin "

I right away knew it was Giselle and walked over to my window. Her curtains were finally opened and I see her face.

I gave her a small smile.

" did you write that song? " she asked looking at me.

" yes, I wrote it " I said

" well you have a beautiful talent "

I tilted my head and smiled.

" thank you Giselle. "

I see her look down at her fingers and I kept looking at every move she took. I see her look up at me.

" so... Everything's gonna be alright? " Giselle asked and I cracked a smile again.

I nodded.

" Yes, everything is gonna be alright " I said and she smiles.

" I hope so Justin. Goodnight "

" Goodnight " I say before she closes her window and turns her light off, going to bed.

I stay looking at her window for a few seconds.

" everything... Hopefully... Is gonna be alright " I last said and went to bed.

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