Good Luck Bieber

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(A/N I think I'm starting to do alot of Justin POV's..... Meh it's ok)

Giselle's POV

I was in my room and everything was dark. The only light was the light coming from my phone screen that was shining on my face.

I was texting Harry and feeling nothing at all. The ' I love you too''s that I sent him didn't have no truth in it. Because everything I was showing him was fake. Everything I did, was fake. But everything he did actually had love. I only loved Harry as a Best Friend. Never as a boyfriend.

I got up from bed and went to my bedroom door, opening it and seeing who I truly loved. Justin.

" Let me be yours babe " he said and all I did was nod. I felt his lips connect mine and his hands find my waist pulling me closer.

I loved his touch, his voice....i loved everything about him.

But wait.....Giselle you still have Harry to think about.

I wake up to my phone ringing. I groaned and answered my friend who was calling me.

" What do you want " I said sounding grumpy.

" Hunny, it's 11 already, we are going to the mall remember? " My friend Katy said and my eyes widen.

" I'll be over in 5 minutes, Kay? Bye " she said and hung up.

I quickly got up and got dressed into some grey joggers and black crop top. I kinda make my hair go wavy so that it wasn't as curly and I was officially ready... Well kinda.

There was a knock at the door and I quickly grabbed my phone and ran downstairs. I opened it and saw Katy there.

" Come on Giselle! Let's go shopping! " she said excitedly and I followed her in the car.

Once we got to the mall, we shopped around and bought some things. I was in a clothing store when I saw someone that catched my eye.

Justin's POV

I was at the mall walking around alone. I was actually happy for some reason but had nobody to share the happiness with. As I walked the mall, someone came to my view and it was Selena. But she wasn't alone. She was with another guy.

I laughed and called out to her.

" Selena Marie Gomez, well what do we have here " I said and she turned around rolling her eyes playfully.

She let go of the guys hand and walked towards me, leaving him to wait.

" Justin Drew Bieber, why so alone? " she asked once she got to me and crossed her arms with a smile.

" Well I mean, you ruined my love life and now I'm healing it Gomez. Who's that over there? " I said a little curious.

I'm going to be honest, I don't know why we aren't killing eachother yet. But I think it's because she is happy, and I'm happy.

Selena faced the guy and smiled.

" My boyfriend " she said looking back at me with that smile still on her face.

I smiled and nodded.

" So, are you now over me? "

" Yeah... Justin I'm sorry for everything that ever happened. I'm sorry for ruining your chances with Giselle and everything. I really am. I know know the feeling of true love now. " Selena said and I nodded.

" It's fine... I'm winning her back though. She still loves me " I said and smiled.

Selena let out a small laugh.

" I didn't mean to hurt her either J. So I hope y'all both forgive me sooner or later. But I have to go now, it was nice seeing you. " Sel said and I nodded.

" You too Gomez "

As she started walking away, she turned back at me.

" Oh and by the way.... Good Luck Bieber " Selena said and I let out a small laugh.

She walked away with her new boyfriend and I started walking again.
" So she's moved on now? " I heard behind me and I turn around to see Giselle and my eyes widen.

" Uh yeah. She has a boyfriend. She's very happy and in love. What about you? " I asked with a smile and Giselle looked down.

" I'm happy... But only with the boy next door " She said and walked away. I didn't stop her or anything. This is what I wanted. I'm getting her to realize she loves me and only me.

You got her Justin, you got her...

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